A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1881


Well Done, David smiley - hug Impressive marks.

Just back from a lovely time at Wisley with Wilma where we walked, giggled about silly names for plants, put the world to rights and generally had a delightful time.

* also waiting for news from the lord of the rings

Am feeling quite smiley - senior just now - my son is away on business tonight. Ok, so he's been sent to Scotland on a training course and they're putting him up in a hotel overnight.

Just as I was driving down the lane a wee while ago I saw My Little Pony. A woman was leading the smallest smiley - pony on a halter: it didn't reach past her hips. I suppose it could have been a young Shetland Pony but seemed less chunky and hairy - a much finer-built beast.
Glad to report it was normal smiley - pony coloured and not day-glo pink or blue.

*exits the patio doors, whistling for Zeppo and Gummo. "Walkies!"

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1882


[tartaronne smiley - reindeer] learning something new every hour, but forgot to smiley - applause David.

smiley - ta Bagpuss smiley - biggrin.

I've just read about a 71 year old great grandmother who finished her A-levels (I think it is called = qualifying for University and other further studies) yesterday.

She left school after 7th form and went to work on a farm. Then came an English speaking son-in-law and she had to learn English - and took it from there. smiley - biggrin

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1883


*Does happy excited librarian dance for David*. Well done!

I'm doing this the mad way round. I'm staying at work part-time and trying to cram the entire librarianing MA into one year on top of that. I expect to be unspeakably mad by next April. The reading list already has me thoroughly cowed, and I've only looked at it twice.

*tries to look nonchalant*

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1884

Witty Moniker

Teuchter, perhaps it was a miniature horse. They look just like the big ones, only teeny. They look so cute pulling wagons.

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1885


I'm certain you'll get through it with flying colours - and a lot of entertaining writing for i Salonisti.

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1886


Honors diplomas - my college used the Latin honors system.

summa cum laude for 90% or a 3.6 gpa
magna cum laude for 80% or a 3.2 gpa
cum laud for 75% or a 3.0 gpa

I graduated with 151 hours and a 3.54 smiley - cross Stupid French class royally messed up my gpa. I suppose I should have actually gone to class.

Now that my old college is a university, I don't know if the system is the same or not.

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1887


...for Ag that was - not the smiley - pony

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1888


You'll be absolutely fabulous, Ag.

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1889

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I consider my upper second class honours in philosophy to be one of my life's greatest achievements. I became completely estranged from my friends and family during the run-up to finals. And I had serious post-exam depression afterwards. It was great to meet the Oxford professor whose work I critiqued for my dissertation, too. smiley - smiley

I gave that tee shirt to Mike A a few years ago, and he wore it out. His history prof stopped him in the street to look at it. I'm sure you can email the funny times people about shipping to Europe.

Teuchter, sounds like you saw a miniature horse.

Birdie tried to bring in another live mouse, but this time I heard it squealing before she came in. So what did she do? She pushed the mouse through the flap ahead of her and let it go. Fortunately, I was able to seal off the bathroom, and I caught the mouse after a few minutes. It died shortly after I released in the courtyard: I hadn't known that Tigger was out there. The mouse ran for the cover of the vinca, and Tigger executed a massive high leap, and it was over almost immediately.

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1890

Titania (gone for lunch)

*comes in, shakes herself rather like a dog, sending water drops in every direction*

I wonder if the smiley - pony T saw was a Falabella, the smallest breed in the world?

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1891


*also confident in Ag's fabulosity smiley - biggrin

Seriously, Ag - I'm sure you'll do very well.

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1892

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Ag's intelligence and abilities are things I have come to take for granted.

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1893


I graduated summa cum laude.

Though you'd never know it by my behavior some days. smiley - silly

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1894


smiley - blush

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1895

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Yeah, me too, fg. Never know it now.

That said, I decided to start off the agriculture lecture by asking them what they had for breakfast today. And then talk about the various components in it.

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1896

Rosemary {[(2+2+2)^2]+4+2=42}

Congratulations to Beatrice and David smiley - bubbly.

I love that T shirt. Pity the Medieval World lecturer is too traditional to appreciate it.

Montana: my interest is early modern history so c.1350-c.1700. I'll be doing an MA in 'The Culture of the European Renaissance' part time over 2 years-it's interdisciplinary so one can do the relevant period modules from French, Italian, English and History. A 2:1 is the normal classification in humanities, of a year of c.90 we had about 10-12 1sts, 3 2:2s-which is actually a high number for the department, and the rest were 2:1.

All I need to do now is get a job to go with the MA....

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1897


S is very late home from work tonight. Something to do with having a new boss.

I got a 2:1. Many moons ago. And I'm sorry to say, I was bl**dy annoyed, as I had been so close to a first. Had head completely done in by Lacan/ Kristeva/ Derrida/ Saussure, and mucked up entire course unit. Same brick wall of incomprehension mucked up fledgling PhD. Alan Sokal is my hero. Must have large alcoholic drink now. Drown, memories, drown!

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1898

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

smiley - bubbly for Rosemary, David, Marv, and everyone else who fancies a glass.

I got a 2:1 many moons ago and was delighted as I did precisely nothing for two years and was on course for a third, then worked like a mad recluse for my final year in order to score a first on most of the exams so that I ended up averaging a 2:1. Good job the final year research project+thesis was so heavily weighted or I'd have ended up with a Desmond.

Hyp asked me when I was going back to work - a tricky subject! It will definitely be after christmas - I'd like it not to be until The Boy is a year old but I need to persuade J that this is the best thing for The Boy. We shall see. I am delaying looking at childcare in the hope that they'll say they don't have any places until march 2008...

Raining again here in the Royal Borough *sigh* hope it all clears up before we go to the Hampton Court flower show next friday, don't think either I or The Boy will enjoy it much if it tips it down all day smiley - yikes

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1899


Kelli, I don't think my first year was even counted towards my final grade. I got a first, by the way.

I've had my mobile phone for years and I'm still not sure which button you press to answer it. Whoops.

8DXth Conversation at Lil's

Post 1900

Santragenius V

To be honest, it'p*ss pouring here. *sigh*

'night - off to an early night. But I have to get "out there" first with smiley - dog. He'll be happy, of course...

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