A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 161


∞ - i saw that you tried to send a message earlier, i'm back now. and, believe it or not, you're on my friend's list already

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 162


smiley - silly well, you know who that was for

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 163

Rainbow's Tears

I need to do more than hold my belly in. Started serious diet today - it was going really well until I *accidentally* scoffed my sons' packet of chockie biscuits - very quickly - before anyone could stop me. <choc. When they discovered it, I was so 'high' on my chocolate fix, all I could do was laugh!! smiley - rainbow

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 164

Mrs Zen

*hiccups inscrutibly*

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 165


*Limps in from admiring Lil's photos. Waves delightedly at all the lurkers popping in and out*

Happy Birthday BaldBloke! I've been irredeemably cheeky and knitted you one of those smart pull-on cold-weather hats with absolutely NO bobbles on whatsoever. In charcoal. Do you want a motif? Or are you a plain-and-simple-hat guy?

One whole entire total week of work all worked!

On a blimey-I'm-annoyed note, the people I did two days' freelancing for two weeks ago haven't paid me yet. I'm... stumped really. Whyever haven't they paid me? How long would it normally take? What does 'right away' mean to finance bunnies anyway? Apparently I was just in time in registering with HR at the new place, so I will be paid next week for exactly nine days' work all automatically and everything, so I will be able to pay this gas bill that is preying on my mind, but still, I'm sure Mrs Manners says if someone gives you 14 hours of their fantabulous life to correct your appalling attitude to the humble comma, you should PAY THEM.


*giggles at Santra's description of people rushing to push water out of the taps*

Anyway. I am going to be dreadfully naughty and eat my special secret hidden chocolate stash. The one that even S doesn't know about. Why do I hide chocolate? Well, I think I have been mentally scarred forever by boarding school. Hide it or someone swipes it. Or teases you relentlessly for being a greedy fat-arse just for owning it. Or both.

And shan't say anything more about 'Whither Atelier'. As am chocolate deprived and frazzled and will only be falling on all your necks and weeping 'you're my besht mates, sho ye are...'


80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 166


Good luck with your fluffy-wuffy presentation, Amy. And on getting let into the library. They seemed happy to have cloth cats use the place, so I can't see why ants should be singled out.

Ag, finance departments are a law unto themselves sometimes. At work we can't get any more soap (it's super grease-busting soap, kind of useful in a greasy warehouse) until finance pay the suppliers the money we owe them. smiley - grr

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 167

Mrs Zen

I've finally got it. I've finally tracked down the cognitive dissonance that has been ringing in my ears for the last two days. I mentioned tinnitus? Imagine an inaudible tinnitus, pulsing away softly right on the edge of one's field of hearing.

*adjusts volume on internal auditory equipment very very carefully*


Oh, whoops, sorry, that was the two notes interfering with each other and causing a feedback loop. Now you see why it's been annoying me all this time!

*Untangles feedback loop*

What I don't get, Lil, is if this is supposed to be a welcoming open friendly place, not exclusive, not cliqueish, not off-putting, (Ag, can you shield Rojet's ears please), then what does it matter what colour Chloe's invisible apron is?

*feels slightly calmer as the cognitive dissonance, instead of fading, becomes more audible and turns into a chord with two distinct, albeit still dissonant, notes*

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 168

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

It never did get quiet enough to do the recording and it's too late now. I must go for the bus in a minute or two. I'll come in tomorrow to do the sound track when there's no one around, not even cleaners.

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 169


Happy Birthday, Bald Bloke! smiley - bubbly

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 170

Witty Moniker

Indeed, Happy birthday, Bald Bloke! smiley - gift

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 171


Happy B day BB.


80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 172


Hi BB. Happy b'day. In exchange for a glass of your b'day smiley - bubbly I have a gilt edged, embossed copy of Robert's Rules of Order. smiley - smiley

I have Alabaster House to set up in the next couple of weeks. Ministerial posts are still available. smiley - biggrin And will get back to the Delegation to King 2Legs in a few days. I'll let everyone know when we're ready to depart. And I have a Cranky Gardener series to write. So my online time will be taken up with those efforts for a while. I'll probably be here less as a result.

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 173

Rainbow's Tears

HB BB smiley - bubbly

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 174

Mol - on the new tablet

Cheers, Bald Bloke smiley - bubbly Happy Birthday!

I did about 14 hours work for somebody in July - and still haven't been paid for it. Sigh.

Our sofa is piled high with everything I have to fit into the boot of the car tomorrow morning. We are off on holiday! With our best friends! The weather forecast is simply dreadful, which is brilliant because it means that we won't feel obliged to go to Places of Interest or on daily Healthy Walks.

I imagine I shall return in just over a week to a significant number of posts smiley - winkeye I shall miss you all!


80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 175

marvthegrate LtG KEA


80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 176

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")


80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 177


Happy Birthday BB smiley - gift

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 178



80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 179

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Bald Bloke, I've brought you back a spray of maple and aspen leaves from today's trip, all golds and pinkish reds. And Matina is baking you a chocolate layer cake with chocolate cream cheese frosting. smiley - drool

The weather has been perfect, the leaves were in full flame, the views were breathtaking and the Chinese food was delicious, of course. To my delighted surprise, Cille has never, in her 30+ years, been to Nogal Peak. As soon as we parked she was off up the trail, so I trudged and gasped after her and got some great photos in the end. Which I'll put up presently. Right now I'm just happy to take my shoes off and have a rest.

As to the unattainability of the quiz questions, I think all but a couple of them can be answered just by checking the offsite atelier. That's not so hard. smiley - smiley

Chloe is in fact translucent, even the orange button on the back of her neck. She's also self-winding. When she comes within the vicinity of one of Munchkin's paisley waistcoats, however, she glows a bright chartreuse.

80Xth Conversation at Lil's

Post 180

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

And here is a selection of photos from today's trip:

Although salonistas would have seen the vistas, the colors weren't there yet, and they will probably be gone after the weekend. smiley - cry

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