A Conversation for Talking Point: White Lies?

There's no Santa?

Post 1

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

smiley - wahsmiley - blue

There's no Santa?

Post 2


Please don't cry, Apollyon!! Here, have a smiley - towel to dry your eyes. I saw Santa earlier and he said to say hello to you.

There's no Santa?

Post 3


Here is a smiley - towel.

There u go!

Raxa xxx

There's no Santa?

Post 4


Are you feeling any better Apollyon?

There's no Santa?

Post 5

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Trust me - there *IS* a Santa.

And he has direct access to my bank account!!

There's no Santa?

Post 6


Well I hope he puts money into it.

There's no Santa?

Post 7


Your bank account? LOLsmiley - laugh


There's no Santa?

Post 8


Just so long as he doesn't get into mine!

There's no Santa?

Post 9

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

*whisper* I bet it was Santa that got those government disks!

There's no Santa?

Post 10



There's no Santa?

Post 11

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Guess what?

smiley - santa's been!! smiley - biggrin

Merry Christmas!

There's no Santa?

Post 12


smiley - cheerssmiley - cheerssmiley - biggrin OF COURTH there'th a Thanta .... I'm thure thomeone'th made a theriouth mythtake if they think he'th a MYTH .....smiley - wah

There's no Santa?

Post 13


A myth isn't even likley though. I don't know 'bout you but my parents got me great prezzies, same with friendssmiley - oksmiley - cheers


There's no Santa?

Post 14

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Thanta's not a myth, he'th a Mithter!! Thilly!!

There's no Santa?

Post 15


smiley - biggrinsmiley - oksmiley - cheerssmiley - magicsmiley - alesmiley - smiley

There's no Santa?

Post 16


No more mulled wine or smiley - ale for you lot!!

There's no Santa?

Post 17

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Thpoilthport!smiley - tongueoutsmiley - cheers

There's no Santa?

Post 18


My point exactly....

There's no Santa?

Post 19

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break


smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - stiffdrink

And a smiley - tea for NPY...

There's no Santa?

Post 20


smiley - ta Like my smiley - tea

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