A Conversation for Talking Point: White Lies?


Post 1


Like the question said - when do you tell your kids there's no Santa? I know people who just found out because they saw their parents getting the stuff ready, and others who believed for ages because they didn't think their parents could afford to buy them a tv or whatever.

I know someone whose parents didn' do the Santa thing with him as a kid. I think they still got presents and did the Christmas thing, but they left Santa out of it.

How do you make sure your kid doesn't spoil it fore younger siblings/peers/etc?


Post 2

Sho - employed again!

mine are very close in age and they worked it out together as Gruesomes will do.

We have never said there is no father Christmas, no Tooth Fairy etc. Well, actually, they're the only ones we "do"

with the Tooth Fairy it's got so that #2 just puts her tooth in the drawer in my jewellery box where I keep them and tells me to give her her money together with her next pocket money smiley - laugh


Post 3


We told our two that Father Christmas filled the stockings, but other presents were given by people who had to be thanked! Once they started querying the existence of such mythical characters, we said that if children believed in them they'd come, otherwise their parents took on the role.

Children love stories & often have vivid make-believe play, so I see nothing wrong in having a few imaginary characters in their lives. As they grow up they'll learn the difference between pretending for fun & lying to be devious.


Post 4


I know a couple who never actually told their kids there was a Santa, but more puit it to the kids as "have you seen him" kind of thing and the kids said yes. Later when they found out they took part in getting things ready for their younger siblings.

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