A Conversation for FU on tour. Part 2: The intergalactic years

Castaway 2000

Post 1


Surprised no one's mentioned this so far. Highly addictive viewing, like watching a car crash scene. It's like Lord of the Flies but bloody freezing and with booze (they always seem to be having drink fuelled fights, but aha! last night it was revealed that the drink supply was dwindling...and a good thing too!) I was surprised at some of the selection of people, bearded mad bricklayer ray,layabout gay ron and power mad management exec des to name a few. oh my god i know all their names....

Castaway 2000

Post 2


Saw the first episodes a while back and couldn't quite believe those who had made the final selection were anything more than fodder for "good tv". Keep missing it this time round, which is a shame as it was horribly compulsive.

Castaway 2000

Post 3


Protestations by Lion TV the producing company that people were NOT chosen because of their potential for argy bargy ring hollow. I think it's on again tonight....expect more fisticuffs as mad Ray leaves the island taking his stash of Johnny Walker with him!

Castaway 2000

Post 4


Why they chose that doctor I'll never know- if you went to see a doctor that paranoid in your own local surgery you'd be a nervous wreck. I take it I'm the only person obsessed by this. but a thought for those that are...have these people ever been outside before this????

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