A Conversation for Go Go Gadget, err, Gadget

Random user thingie of Bruces

Post 1

Jimi X

Can I be more clear than that?

I want a bit of code to bring back Bruce's Random User Button so I can find random online members of the community.

And a hat. I think I'd really like a nice hat.

- X

Random user thingie of Bruces

Post 2


Thew code on my Space works currently - & I ubderstand that a random user feature is buried somewhere on the To Do feature List at the Towers smiley - smiley


Random user thingie of Bruces

Post 3


Hmmm, apparently my typing gland has a cold smiley - winkeye


Random user thingie of Bruces

Post 4

Jimi X

Your typing hand is bold?
What are you talking about!?! smiley - winkeye

Thanks Bruce!

- X

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