A Conversation for Go Go Gadget, err, Gadget

Dancing Link colours

Post 1


Pastey raised (in the Syntax Error thread) the possibility of adding the scrolling link colour as a Gadget. Here's an example http://www.h2g2.com/A167870

Strangely enough , no one so far has said they like the effectsmiley - winkeye

I suppose code like this (written by non h2g2ers with a copyright notice) raises the issue of copyright in Gadgets.


Dancing Link colours

Post 2


I liked it or I wouldn't have used it. smiley - smiley I changed it to my colours, though. Part of the reason I liked it is that I really dislike the default link colours in goo, as displayed on the uni monitors.

Dancing Link colours

Post 3


Actually, I don't particularly dislike the visual effect - it's the way my 'puter grinds to a halt on some versions where there's a "million" colours & a fast cycle time in the routine.

It probably has something to do with the way I run my 'puter - multiple process's running all the timesmiley - smiley


Dancing Link colours

Post 4

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I have those colours on my page but I don't visit my page anymore because it crashes my computer. If this was made into a Gadget then lots of people would have it on their pages and I wouldn't be able to go to any userpages. smiley - sadface

Dancing Link colours

Post 5


Have you thought of editing it out of your page?smiley - winkeye


Dancing Link colours

Post 6

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


Yes, I did that after The Change (smiley - winkeye), but it was ugly and everyone said it looked better before...

Anyway I like being difficult smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeye

Dancing Link colours

Post 7


Fair enough then smiley - winkeye


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