A Conversation for The Horse and Groom - Home of the h2g2 Beerfest

Beerfest 31.1.09

Post 61


You ordered Corona?

Dude, they only put lime in to cover the skunky-cabbage flavor caused by the beer being light-struck. And that only happens because the beer comes in cheapo clear bottles, not brown ones like any half-way decent beer.

Oh, and I'm sorry your bartender is color-blind.

Beerfest 31.1.09

Post 62

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Fruit with beer is an abomination. We have to serve all our Mexican beers (bottled, canned or draft) with a wedge of lime, and our wheat beers, wit biers and hefeweizens get a wedge of lemon, or orange in the case of Sunshine Wheat from New Belgium.

If you need fruit with your beer, your beer's crap.

Beerfest 31.1.09

Post 63

Mu Beta

I have to say I don't object to a slice of lime in an ice-cold Sol or Corona. But, as you say, that's only to mask the fact that they taste of piss.


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