A Conversation for The Horse and Groom - Home of the h2g2 Beerfest

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 41

Skankyrich [?]

Over 14 (221-8): Oh dear. An awful over from Broad. Ryder picks him off for 21 runs, two of them in sixes, and there's a no ball and a single for Ernie, too. The Cavaliers will be delighted with this.

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 42

Mu Beta

Might as well leave him on now...


Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 43

Skankyrich [?]

Over 15 (240-9): Ernie is going for the big hits now; running is clearly becoming a struggle. The first three balls head for the boundary, but he misses the fourth and doesn't even have the energy to try to regain his ground. Just one to go now.

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 44

Skankyrich [?]

Over 16 (244 all out): Broad makes up for his diabolical last over by trapping Barrow, the Cavaliers' own Dwayne Leverock, on the back foot, and the Cavaliers are on their way. World XI need 245 to win at 12.45 per over.

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 45


Laverstoke Park Farm Organic Ale 5.0%

A good organic bottle conditioned beer. The hops hoppy and a hint of barley this is nice mmmmmm

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale/5

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 46

Mu Beta

We're going to get skittled for a rugby score now, aren't we?


Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 47


The Cavaliers did pretty well smiley - ok

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 48

Skankyrich [?]

Over 1 (20-0): A tidy start from Andy Ryder until be bowls a no ball and loses his length. Gambhir punishes him with a pair of neatly-driven sixes, and the World XI are well on their way.

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 49

Skankyrich [?]

Oh, here's a beer review:

Tetley bitter - crap, but free to me. smiley - ale

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 50

Mu Beta

Old Timber.

Another over-gassy pint with an unmanageable head. Worktop in the kitchen is now covered with foam.

A deep chestnut brown with good malty overtones. Velvety and easy-drinking but lacking anything that would make it stand out from the standard market bitters.

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale/5

Overall, a bit disappointed with this selection. I had some very nice Lincolnshire ales last year which didn't make it onto the Horse & Groom and I wish I'd written them up at the time.


Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 51

Skankyrich [?]

Over 2 (46-0): Wonderful stuff from Gambir. Getting the strike back from Gayle, he clobbers three consecutive sixes - making five on the trot - and the World XI score 26 off the over. The Cavaliers are scratching their heads.

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 52

Mu Beta

Surprised you're not drinking the cider or white wine if you're raiding the bar, Rich.


Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 53

Skankyrich [?]

The lines are due to be cleaned tonight, and we haven't sold a lot of cider over Christmas, so it's going to be in poor shape. I do have some decent red down here, though - I might have a glass of that instead.

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 54

Skankyrich [?]

Over 3 (56-2): Ryder repays his captain's faith by first having Gambhir caught in the gully, then accounts for Pietersen, who scores a rapid 10 before being trapped twice on his crease. The first is probably too high, but the second is plumb.

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 55

Skankyrich [?]

Over 4 (81-2): Oh dear, oh dear. Gayle, who looked a little circumspect at the start of his innings, opens his shoulders and hits four mighty boundaries, only one of which bounced inside the rope. Ryder junior looks understandably dejected, and Barrow and Johns are both warming up. A single off the last ball of the over ensures the skipper keeps the strike.

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 56


Sorry to hear about the lack of good smiley - ale, Rich. At least there's always the smiley - redwine

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 57

Skankyrich [?]

Over 5 (102-2): These two are beginning to enjoy themselves. They run hard for the first two balls of the over to add five to Gayle's total, before Hussey hits his first three balls for 6-4-6. The last ball of the over raps Hussey on his pads, but he's outside the line. Good decision.

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 58

Skankyrich [?]

Over 6 (120-2): The Cavaliers aren't going to win this by drying up the runs. World XI can do this at less than nine an over now, and they're currently rattling along at 20. Barrow's first over is notable for containing no sixes, but it's still expensive and the Cavaliers desperately need a breakthrough.

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 59


Aiming for an early night? smiley - erm

Fertive Beerfest and Cricket Match

Post 60

Skankyrich [?]

Over 7 (130-3): Just when it was needed most, Johns comes up with a wicket from nowhere. Hussey totally misjudges an outswinger and nicks it to Bradley behind the stumps. A few more overs like this wouldn't go amiss - 10 from it is still above the rate, but the Cavaliers need time to take wickets now.

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