A Conversation for The Horse and Groom - Home of the h2g2 Beerfest

An Open Invitation...

Post 1

Mu Beta

As it's a Friday, I have a dozen or so ales line up in my fridge for tasting. They are mostly repeats, but if anyone fancies a bit of h2g2-based conviviality, I am willing to open the bar tonight...


An Open Invitation...

Post 2

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I could be talked into it. What ya' got?

An Open Invitation...

Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

I'm probably out tonight, I'm afraid, as I have an early start tomorrow. I'll see how I feel after dinner.

An Open Invitation...

Post 4

Mu Beta

What've I got?

Jenning's Cumberland
Roaring Meg
Wychwood Circlemaster
Wychwood Hobgoblin
Wychwood BeWyched (sending off for the Lagerboy T-shirt)
Thwaites Double Century
Marston's Pedigree
Hopback Crop Circle
Holt's MapleMoon
Theakston's Old Peculier (although I'm supposed to be saving that for cooking)
Thatcher's Katy (cider)
And a bottle of Hoegaarden which I found in the back of the fridge.

I'm happy to fire up the jukebox if you are.


An Open Invitation...

Post 5

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I'm going to have to nip to the offie. Polished off the bits I had kicking about last night.

An Open Invitation...

Post 6

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Tragedy! Looks like I'm going to a real pub.smiley - biggrin

Maybe next week?

smiley - ale

An Open Invitation...

Post 7

Mu Beta

Damn. I've forgotten what real pubs look like.


An Open Invitation...

Post 8

Skankyrich [?]

Is it off? I might still pop round for a couple of bottles, though I still haven't eaten.

An Open Invitation...

Post 9

Mu Beta

I'll be cracking open my first brew shortly. Any preferences?


An Open Invitation...

Post 10

Skankyrich [?]

I can get Hobgoblin, OP and Pedi, so avoid those - that's presuming the offie is still open after I've eaten smiley - ok

An Open Invitation...

Post 11

Skankyrich [?]

Right, I'm off to the offie. Wish me luck, I just hope it's still open...

An Open Invitation...

Post 12

Mu Beta

They tend to be open quite late on Fridays.

I've just cracked open the Crop Circle. An exceedingly pale brew, to the extent where I feel slightly dirty like I'm drinking lager. Almost sweet and fruity. Would be nice with cheese, but lacks a certain bite on its own. smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - empty/5


An Open Invitation...

Post 13

Mu Beta

As a possible alternative activity: I'm booting up ICC3 if you fancy a match.


An Open Invitation...

Post 14

Skankyrich [?]

I'm back, sorry for the delay. I haven't got much that you have, in fact just the OP. The selection round there has gone downhill in the last couple of weeks.

ICC sounds like a plan. Do you mind if I catch up on a couple of emails first while sharing a beer with you? Won't take more than about ten minutes.

An Open Invitation...

Post 15

Mu Beta

No worries. Shall I pick a couple of random teams, or do you want a go at Gloucs v Somerset again?


An Open Invitation...

Post 16

Skankyrich [?]

I'll back my Somerset boys, if that's ok. My keeper can't get much worse.

An Open Invitation...

Post 17

Mu Beta

Okey-doke. I've not changed the team that played you last time.



An Open Invitation...

Post 18

Skankyrich [?]

Ready now! I lost the smiley - bleeping CD again...

An Open Invitation...

Post 19

Mu Beta

What's your team name?


An Open Invitation...

Post 20

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Is that Thwaites of Blackburn?

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