A Conversation for The Horse and Groom - Home of the h2g2 Beerfest

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 1

Mu Beta

Evenin' all.

Tasting schedule for tonight

9:00-10:00 Ciders (I'll be drinking a couple of pale ales instead)
10:00 Adnams Broadside
10:30 Black Sheep Ale
11:00 Marstons Pedigree
11:30 St Austell Tribute
12:00 Jennings Snecklifter

Followed a general devolution into debauchery, if we're still not stricken by the Norovirus.

The Youtube jukebox is open. We will begin with Gosho's selection


and then, if you'd be so good, take it politely in turns: Bob, Roymondo, myself, ?. The fourth spot is open to Gosho, Rich, or whoever is keeping pace.

Right, let's crack on, shall we?


5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 2

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)


*drags YouTube Firefox window to the telly*

Nice bit of blues!

Weston's Premium Organic Cider (again).

Tastes like proper cider, but a little gloopy and sweet.

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 3

Skankyrich [?]

Right, I'll have my Weston's and see how I go.

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 4

Skankyrich [?]

I've got Weston's Special Vintage Reserve cider. Sweet, bubbly pisswater. Avoid smiley - empty

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 5

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Ahem. The music's run out...

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 6

Mu Beta

OK, I'm kicking off with Isle Of Arran Blonde, a wheat beer.

Normally, I'm very fond of wheat beers, but this one is lively into the glass and it's honeyed colour is darker than ideal. It's a little too bitter on the palate, although this does develop through into a nicer, rounder flavour. Too gassy, by far, as is evidenced by the sticky spot on my kitchen floor. smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - empty /5


5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 7

Mu Beta

Bob? Your go on the jukebox! Keep up, man!


5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 8

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

If he doesn't hurry up I'm going to grab an acoustic...

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 9


I am with Skankyrich Westons it is smiley - smiley

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 10

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

*hovers distressingly close to playing a G chord*

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 11

Skankyrich [?]

I've given the vintage eau de toilette to E, so I'm moving on to O'Hanlons Port Stout.

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 12

Mu Beta

Is anyone going to write a beer review or pick a song, or do I have to do all the work around here?


5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 13

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

It's Bob's turn at the wotsit. I'm happy strumming 'Tie Me Kangaroo Down Sport'.

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 14

Mu Beta

OK...Bob has forfeited his turn at the jukebox, through being too slow. Roymondo, you're up.


5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 15

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Blimey, it's tricky isn't it?

I panicked: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZiYOgOudG0

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 16

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

You sure the sticky spot on the kitchen floor was caused by beer/cider? smiley - wahsmiley - envy no real ales or ciders at my disposal at the moment, and I've not drunk anything at all since about a week before Christmas smiley - illsmiley - cry I may have to open the bottle of whisky my Brother got me for Christmas if it all gets too much smiley - wahsmiley - lurk

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 17


I will let you pick the tunes

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 18

Skankyrich [?]

I wrote a beer review at post 4. Here's O'Hanlon's:

Pretty damn good stout. The lovely thing about the addition of port is that it just sweetens the burnt middle tones, making it very easy to drink, and it becomes more of a classic heavy porter than a full-on stout. It's silky-rich, and perhaps the only criticism is that it doesn't linger in the mouth quite as much as expected. smiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stoutsmiley - stout

5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 19

Mu Beta

Out of morbid interest, I bought the Radio One: Established 1967 album of covers as a self-Christmas present.

It's a mixed bag, mostly disappointing, but there's a couple of outstanding tracks (another one coming up later). So, for my first jukebox selection:



5.1.08 - Beerfest Underway

Post 20

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Shouldn't we be synchronising the beer tastings until we run out of mutually obtained beers?

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