A Conversation for Skoda Estelle Mk2

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A29838234 - Skoda Estelle Mk2

Post 1


Entry: Skoda Estelle Mk2 - A29838234
Author: electricsupersid - U10483001

Seemed a shame to leave the old Skoda's out of the guide

A29838234 - Skoda Estelle Mk2

Post 2

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

I had one of these once - my first car in fact.

Seems such a long time ago that I'd not like to add much from memory, but I agree they are a fine subject for a guide entry.

Two things I do remember:

Mine ate starter motors. The only car I've ever known that got through more SMs than batteries.

Because of the rear-engine it had very little weight over the front wheels and was a nightmare on an icy road. I once did a 360 on a (thankfully empty) roundabout, and that was not around the central island!

I would think a little more detail about the models and dates they were available would be good, perhaps also an indication of how many were sold.

Since they were (so far as I am aware at least) the first car in the UK to be widely riddiculed, and certainly the most joked-about car of their time, I would think opening with a Skoda joke might be a great way to start. The two I remember are:

A man walks into Halfords and says "I'd like a hubcap for a Skoda". The shop-keeper replies "sounds like a fair swap".

Why does a Skoda have a heated rear windscreen? To keep your hands warm.

smiley - cheers


A29838234 - Skoda Estelle Mk2

Post 3

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

why was it joked about?

A29838234 - Skoda Estelle Mk2

Post 4

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

Because it was relatively cheap, boxy-looking and noisy.

If cars are a demonstration of status then this was the bottom of the heap at the time, and so subjet to riddicule. If you were 18, had just passed your test and wanted to get around, however, they were very handy. For all the jokes, nobody I knew turned down a lift in mine!


A29838234 - Skoda Estelle Mk2

Post 5

Number Six

And they were by far and away the best of the cars produced in Eastern Europe. Original design too, rather than being one of Fiat's cast-offs. It helped that Skoda got bought by VW, but it helped them survive.

After all, do you see any Ladas or FSOs or Wartburg's on the roads of 21st century Western Europe?

Oh, and it's a well-kept secret that the Skoda Rapid Coupe was a poor man's Porsche 911...

smiley - mod

A29838234 - Skoda Estelle Mk2

Post 6


You still around electricsupersid? Be great to see an entry on these get into the Guide.

A29838234 - Skoda Estelle Mk2

Post 7


Nearly a year since the author has posted, propose a move to the Flea Market for this Entry smiley - smiley


A29838234 - Skoda Estelle Mk2

Post 8



smiley - panda

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