Skoda Estelle Mk2

1 Conversation

I am writing this from memory so will update it later.

The Skoda Estelle was in it's day the butt of many jokes, although not always deserved. Admittedly it's design was dated and it was a bit noisy.

The Mk 2 was available in 3 different engine sizes the 105 had 1048cc, the 120 had about 1200cc and the 1300 had about 1300cc. There was also the Skoda Rapid which again was 1300cc and was a 2 door version of the Estelle. The cars were built in Czechoslovakia and imported into the UK by Skoda UK, via Kings Lynn. It was possible to get the Skoda modified for aroud £2000 (in 1989-1990) into a convertable or sports version. The sports version was modified by lowering the suspension and fitting adjustable gas shock absorbers and a body kit. Also the carburettor was changed for a Webber and an electric fuel pump replaced the manual one. The manifolds and exhaust were also changed.

The Estelles and Rapids were rear engine with the engine located behind the rear axel, and the battery behind the rear seat. The manual choke was a floor mounted lever which was situated between the front seats. They also had heating in the rear footwells!

The engines were unusual for their time. A straight four cylinder engine which had an alloy block and a cast iron head, although later models had a Porsche designed alloy head with a water heated inlet manifold. The cylinders also had liners!

The gearbox was a bit notchly. This was greatly imroved by draining the oil and replacing with Castrol SMX which was a semi-synthetic oil.

The Estelles enjoyed success in Group N rallying (showroom class) and were also used for autograss racing since a Porsche engine was a good fit into the Estelles generous engine compartment. I have heard it said that the early Porsche cars were copies of Skodas but have not seen confirmation of this.

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