What's in a [Spy] Name?

3 Conversations

'The name is Bond, James Bond...'
Not an extract from Loup d'Argent's (unpublished) Memoirs.

If you ever wanted to know how you would look or sound as an International Super-Spy, this week's featured Name Generator is definitely the one for you. Though it doesn't give you a brand new name like the other ones did, it still gives you a quite groovy
middle one, 'à la Austin Powers'.

The description that comes with the name is rather cool too...

The Spy Name Generator

It might be a good idea to turn your computer's volume down a little first as there is a

musical background that starts as soon as you've reached the website.
(There is a facility there allowing you to turn the music off, but still, better safe than


You will also need to submit a first name and a family name as well as clicking on the relevant

male or female button to get your own Spy Middle Name and description...

It's rather straightforward, so here is the [not so] secret

for you to click on.

Have fun...

My Spy Name

Not much to say about it, really, apart that I like it and I'm certainly happy with the way I have

been described...

  • Loup 'Heroic' Dargent

  • 'Never one to shrink from calamity, you emerge from the crowd and place yourself in danger to

    protect others.

    It's never for the glory, you just happen to be in the right place at the right time and take charge of

    the situation.'

    [Vital Gear Includes everyday clothes, willingness to help others and survival skills.]

    Others' Spy Names

    Like for the Cyborg, Smurf and Vampire Generator Names related

    articles1, I had a go at

    other people's names (after adapting some of the usernames accordingly, trying, in the process, to

    avoid too many similar middle names and descriptions) so that we can all see how they'd look with their

    new Super-Spy identity.

    The Post Team, as usual, got the Spy Name treatment first...

  • ShazzPRME (Shazz PRME): Shazz 'Daring' PRME

  • 'What is victory if the prize is too easy to obtain?

    You never think twice about taking the short, dangerous road and revel in the rush of pushing yourself

    to the limit.

    Extreme sports are for wimps, Russian roulette is more your style. '

    [Vital Gear Includes a ready packed parachute, a stick of chewing gum and a hot


  • Greebo T Cat (Greebo TCat): Greebo 'Bold' TCat

  • 'You make a statement with every word and gesture.

    Most people think you walk the thin line between being charming and caustically blunt.

    You never blend in and are always up for pleasing the crowd, after you please yourself.'

    [Vital Gear Includes trendy clothing in bright colors, flashy accessories and


  • Awix (Aw Ix): Aw 'Suave' Ix

  • 'Most comfortable in a tuxedo or gorgeous gown, you float across the room never taking your

    eyes off the prize.

    Mesmerized, they realize only too late that their wallet is missing, and worse yet, so is their heart.'

    [Vital Gear Includes a killer smile, open tab at the local watering hole and a smooth ride to

    take home your winnings.]

  • Wotchit (Wotch It): Wotch 'Defiant' It

  • 'You play by your own rules and to heck with the consequences. Some might call you rogue, but

    you see yourself as a shade of grey refusing to be defined.

    Authority is for the weak and you will do everything in your power to overcome 'the Man'.'

    [Vital Gear Includes a black leather jacket, tattoo and brooding presence.]

    The Post's new Assistant Deputy Editor has not escaped this one either...

  • Titania (Ti Tania): Ti 'Danger' Tania

  • 'You live life like it's your last day on earth.

    There isn't a challenge that you aren't up for and that ultimately attracts all the wrong and right

    kinds of attention.

    The opposite sex adores you, rivals respect you and the Evil ones wants to kill you.'

    [Vital Gear Includes a day job to provide a cover for your secret spy life and a swinging

    shag pad.]

    The h2g2 Italics, as usual, also got the treatment...

  • Natalie (Nat Alie): Nat 'Thrilling' Alie

  • 'There isn't a dare you won't take or a risk that you won't make to secure the prize.

    Much like a movie, your personal plots are always filled with thrills and decadence.'

    [Vital Gear Includes a cat suit for women, or a bomber jacket for men, complimented by a

    come hither glance.]

  • Jim Lynn: Jim 'Courageous' Lynn

  • 'You are more than a hero. You are an inspiration to your friends and a respected rival to your

    worst enemy.

    You take the big risks to protect your friends, family and country.

    Not many can walk in your shoes.'

    [Vital Gear Includes an item of clothing with your country's flag on it, picture of a loved

    one in wallet and strength of spirit.]

  • Jimster (Ji Mster): Ji 'Intrepid' Mster

  • 'There isn't a situation you ever find uncomfortable as you are a chameleon and mould your

    identity around your surroundings.

    You stalk your prey without hesitation, mistake or second guesses and they can feel you on their


    [Vital Gear Includes non-descript clothing, sunglasses and various wireless devices.]

  • Paully (Paul Ly): Paul 'Swinging' Ly

  • 'There is always time for a rendezvous and you are never one to pass up a romantic opportunity

    if presented.

    Sometimes this gets in the way of your mission, but hey baby you have to keep things in perspective!'

    [Vital Gear Includes a martini, velvet lounging robe and rotating bed.]

    Not forgetting the new addition to the Editors Team...

  • Beth (Be Th): Be 'Intrigue' Th

  • 'Social graces are your cup of tea and no one plays a better game of Risk.

    You are invited to all the upper echelon parties and know whose side to be on before all the votes are


    [Vital Gear Includes bribe money, an impressive gown or tuxedo and connections in the

    kitchen to get you out the back way.]

    Then, from the Italics' virtual offices to some top political ones...

  • Tony Blair: Tony 'Dauntless' Blair

  • 'You have eluded capture, killed the assassin, reclaimed the family jewels and are now

    confronted with 100 armed men and no visible means of escape.

    Are you kidding? You live for these scenarios and always manage to escape.'

    [Vital Gear Includes a loyal sidekick to help you escape, crazy glue, and making sure the

    bad guys attack one at a time.]

  • George W Bush: George W 'Action' Bush

  • 'Things just happen when you are around, whether its high speed car chases, hanging from

    precarious ledges, jumping from waterfalls and dancing a mean tango.'

    [Vital Gear Includes shoes that are comfortable to run and dance in, a hot getaway car and

    a change of clothes.]

  • Jacques Chirac: Jacques 'Suave' Chirac

  • 'Most comfortable in a tuxedo or gorgeous gown, you float across the room never taking your

    eyes off the prize.

    Mesmerized, they realize only too late that their wallet is missing, and worse yet, so is their


    [Vital Gear Includes a killer smile, open tab at the local watering hole and a smooth ride to

    take home your winnings.]

    Something To Play/Practise With

    You can't really call yourself a Super-Spy without having passed a test that shows/proves your

    abilities as an elite secret agent first, can you?

    So, here is one I've found earlier and especially for you: The Secret Service


    This so-called (but fun) Operative Test consists of six parts:


      General Knowledge

      Lifestyle Knowledge



      Shooting Skills

    It might not come from the MI5's or CIA's own training programmes by the


    Tell Us About it

    Following a now relatively well established new tradition: please don't forget to let us know

    your Middle Super-Spy Name as well as the description you've got with it or/and tell us how well

    (or not) you've scored in the test.

    Many thanks in advance...

    Loups Archive


    09.09.04 Front Page

    Back Issue Page

    1Respectively (and still rather cleverly I must add again) titled 'What's In A [Cyborg] Name?', 'What's In A [Smurf] Name?' and 'What's in a [Vampire] Name?'...

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