A Conversation for The Hold

The Rec. Lounge

Post 161


*grabs a bottle of scotch from behind the bar*

Fancy a smiley - stiffdrink??

Oh, I'm going on holidays...I had things planned...but the plans fell through.

So I imagine I'll be sleeping in and reading smiley - laugh

The Rec. Lounge

Post 162

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Ah thank you, that'd be very nice. smiley - cheers

Ah well, enjoy your holiday! smiley - ok ... and I expect a 1500 word synopsis of the books you read, when you get back! smiley - yikessmiley - laugh lol.

The Rec. Lounge

Post 163


*sets up a few smiley - stiffdrinks, passing one to Foesmasher*

Oh, I imagine it will be a stack of fun...doing my taxes, the laundry, cleaning.

The only "fun" things I have planned are going out with my brother Wednesday night...and spending Friday with the boy...and watching telly and getting wrecked with my sister...

...hmmm...there *are* worse ways to spend a week off smiley - cheers

The Rec. Lounge

Post 164

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Truetrue. Thanks for the smiley - stiffdrink!

The Rec. Lounge

Post 165


Not a problem smiley - cheers!

I always wanted to own a bar...but unfortunately I think I lack the people skills to make a go of it...smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

The Rec. Lounge

Post 166

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Really? I never would have guessed. You seem lovely enough to me. smiley - hug

The Rec. Lounge

Post 167


smiley - blush well shucks, thanks for that smiley - cuddle

I like to think I'm a nice person...and the people who know me well tend to love me (there's always a few exceptions though smiley - laugh)

But I've not the skills to commend myself to strangers. I mean, I know I'm alright...but I know enough of the world to know that not everyone will agree with me smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

The Rec. Lounge

Post 168


smiley - yikes

Will you look at the time smiley - erm??

I hate to love you and leave you, but it's hometime for little Goatpunchers!!

smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch

smiley - run

*Goatpuncher exits the lounge, heaidng back to shore*

The Rec. Lounge

Post 169

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - hugsmiley - smooch Sleep well, mate.

(Isn't it about time you got a cabin onboard, so you don't have to run away each night?)

The Rec. Lounge

Post 170


*wanders back into the lounge to grab a quick smiley - stiffdrink*

(I do have a cabin...but I get seasick if I sleep after drinking smiley - illsmiley - laugh)

The Rec. Lounge

Post 171

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

String up a hammock! The seasmiley - ill and the smiley - drunksmiley - ill cancel each other out, that way! smiley - oksmiley - cool

Or at least, it works for me. smiley - erm

smiley - hug

The Rec. Lounge

Post 172

Arisztid Lugosi

*comes in*
smiley - hughey foesmasher!
good to see you agian so soon.
you know i thought you only cam on on thursdays and sundays(my time)...but maybe it was better for me, and my homework, thinking that...

The Rec. Lounge

Post 173

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

My time, I'm here mondays and fridays, definite (until the end of the semester), and the occasional wednesday. I'm here today because I intended to work on an assignment, but hootoo is a black hole and it's dragging meeeeeeee! smiley - rofl

The Rec. Lounge

Post 174

Arisztid Lugosi

ahh... i see...

hootoo's a balck hole i love to be dragged into...
i'm glad you're here... sorry you're not getting much done though...
*looks worried*
its not my fault is it?

The Rec. Lounge

Post 175

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

No, it's /my/ fault. smiley - biggrinsmiley - hug

The Rec. Lounge

Post 176

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - hug
oh, ok thensmiley - smiley

so did we ever finish builing that table thingy?

...or more accurately did you ever fnish building it while i kept you company and watched?

The Rec. Lounge

Post 177

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - yikes Oh yeah!
Sorry, I'm easily distracted.

It's almost finished, I just have to glue all these little squares of wood *points* onto the top of the table in the right places... and then we can have our first game! smiley - ok

The Rec. Lounge

Post 178

Arisztid Lugosi

no problem.

oh cool!!!
our first game!!!

you'll have to teach me though... i'm hopeless at instructions... i never read them.... i guess i'm like a guy in that respect..smiley - erm i hate directions!

*sits and watches, and does the important job of keepomg jerms company while he finishes building it*

The Rec. Lounge

Post 179

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Okay we're done! smiley - cool

It's ready to play!

And a description is here, if you want it:
...although there are rules written on the table, too (in the first link smiley - winkeye )

The Rec. Lounge

Post 180

Arisztid Lugosi

sorry jerms.
its time for me to turn into a pumphin once more. hopefully i'll see you on thursday. i'll be here to check at 5:00 my timesmiley - smiley and know ing my i'll stay on longer incase you're late.
smiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - smooch
it was wonderful talking to you!
... smiley - grovel... relpy to my email....

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