A Conversation for The Hold

The Rec. Lounge

Post 121

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - cuddle
thanks goatpunchersmiley - smiley

hope the coffee effect wears off soon...

and that sounds absolutely delicious!!!smiley - drool mm... i cant wait!

The Rec. Lounge

Post 122


I can stop talking like a smiley - piratesmiley - laugh

Oh no, Captain, thank you! you're the best Captain ever! This is the longest I've ever been on a ship without being thrown overboard...including that time I got my own boat smiley - ok!!

Oh don't worry about me, I daresay the smiley - coffee will wear off soon...and I'll fall asleep on the job smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

*starts putting the ingredients in the blender*

Well, it's my personal favourite as far as smoothies go...having said that, the only other person I've made one for is my brother...and he'll eat anything smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

Would you like ice cream with your smoothie, Cap smiley - biggrin??

The Rec. Lounge

Post 123

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - blush
i'd never thorw you overboard... so you never need worry<hug. i enjoy you're company too much... besides if i'd thorwn you everboard who would have been here to defend me when the boys were making fun of my umbrrella?

sure! ice creme would be great!
thanks goatpuncher!

The Rec. Lounge

Post 124


*throws some ice cream in the blender, whizzes it up, puts a curly straw and sissy umbrella in the glass and passes it to Halla*

Well, I hope you enjoy it smiley - biggrin!!

Thank you for not throwing me overboard smiley - cuddle! And you know, as weapons master and yes man, I will always stick up for you smiley - ok!

Actually, I have an idea...we could easily use Ani's porridge as a weapon...smiley - roflsmiley - rofl

The Rec. Lounge

Post 125

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - cuddle

*takes a sip of the smoothie*
mmm... thanks! its delicious!!!

hmm... using ani's porrige as a wepon... it sounds like a good idea to me.. it could come in handy if we encounter hostile villagers... we've been lucky so far...

The Rec. Lounge

Post 126


Exactly...I mean, it would only be a last resort...I mean, I don't want to *hurt* anybody smiley - laugh

Glad you like the smoothie, Captain...You know I like to help any way I can smiley - ok

The Rec. Lounge

Post 127

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

But...but... smiley - wah If we use Ani's porridge as a weapon then I don't get to eat it! smiley - wah

The Rec. Lounge

Post 128


Oh come on Foecrusher...how much of the last batch did you actually eat smiley - bigeyes?

The Rec. Lounge

Post 129

Arisztid Lugosi

yay!!! foecrusher's here!!!!
smiley - hug

The Rec. Lounge

Post 130

Arisztid Lugosi

wait a minute.....
*runs to look at http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/alabaster/A2941517*

ack! we've been calling you the wrong name!
...you're actually supposed to be foesmasher... of course its easy to see where we went wrong...

The Rec. Lounge

Post 131


Oh how embarrassing smiley - blush

My sincerest apologies smiley - cheerup!!

off to lunch, shouldn't be too far away smiley - somersault

The Rec. Lounge

Post 132

Arisztid Lugosi

<have a good onesmiley - smiley see you soonsmiley - hug

The Rec. Lounge

Post 133

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Oops! smiley - laugh I didn't notice either! Ah well that makes things easier! smiley - rofl

"...how much of the last batch did you actually eat?" smiley - laugh How much did you manage to get in my mouth when you were throwing it at me?!" smiley - rofl If your aim starts improving then I might start gaining some weight, here... smiley - winkeye

The Rec. Lounge

Post 134

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - biggrin

so foesmasher? how've you been?

The Rec. Lounge

Post 135

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - shrug Up and down. You'll find out on other threads, I'm sure. I'll be posting a journal soonish, for a start.
I'm glad to be here, talking to you. smiley - hug

The Rec. Lounge

Post 136

Arisztid Lugosi

yay!!! a journal!!! i'm looking foreward to it!!

a bit slower posting than usual today... you doing homework?

The Rec. Lounge

Post 137


Hey Foe...smasher...smiley - bigeyes

Would you like a smoothie as well...or is it just me smiley - biggrin??

Captain, anything else I can do for you while I'm still behind the bar smiley - grovel??

The Rec. Lounge

Post 138

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Nah my computer's being slow... I'm on a process sharing network so obviously somebody's running some program which is slowing us all down... smiley - grr
Why yes Goatpuncher, a smoothie would be ver' nice... thank you! smiley - ok

The Rec. Lounge

Post 139

Arisztid Lugosi

well... actually goatpuncher... if its not too much trouble... could i trouble you for a tall coke wiht ice? and of course a sissy umbrella.smiley - biggrin

The Rec. Lounge

Post 140


No problem, I live to serve smiley - grovel

*zips up two more smoothies, hands one to Foesmasher and keeps the other one for herself (naturally, complete with curly straws and sissy umbrellas*

*Prepares a coke on ice for her Captain, adding the shiniest prettiest sissy umbrella she can find*

smiley - magic

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