A Conversation for The Hold

The Rec. Lounge

Post 141

Arisztid Lugosi

awww! thanks goatpuncher!!!
its beautiful!
thanks so much!
smiley - hug

The Rec. Lounge

Post 142


*curtsies happily, blushing at the thanks*

smiley - blush Awww shucks, Cap'n, anything for you smiley - biggrin

The Rec. Lounge

Post 143

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Thank you! smiley - cheerssmiley - hug

The Rec. Lounge

Post 144


*curtsies again*

Not a problem, Foesmasher...glad to be of service smiley - magic

The Rec. Lounge

Post 145

Arisztid Lugosi

*slowly sips her coke with ice*

hmm... wait a minute! where does our fresh water come from? i cant believe i'm captain and i dont know!

The Rec. Lounge

Post 146


smiley - huh

Hmmm...I don't know either...is that something Ani would be in charge of smiley - erm??

The Rec. Lounge

Post 147

Arisztid Lugosi

smiley - erm uhh, i dont know actually

lets ask forsmasher... he knows everything...

The Rec. Lounge

Post 148


*looks eagerly at Foesmasher for an answer*

The Rec. Lounge

Post 149

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

smiley - huh Why is everybody looking at me?

One of these days I won't have an answer and you'll all be stuffed! smiley - laugh

Luckily I happened to notice the distiller in the hold, when I was wandering around trying to find some wood... Seawater goes in, clean water comes out... where it's piped somewhere handy. The galley, I imagine. As long as the tank's rinsed out about once a month or so it'll last a lifetime! smiley - ok

The Rec. Lounge

Post 150

Arisztid Lugosi

cool! thanks jerms!!!

i knew you'd know the answer!!!

The Rec. Lounge

Post 151


I'm sure that anything you don't know the answer to, isn't worth knowing...

..unless it's Monkees-related trivia, in which case I should be able to help out smiley - winkeyesmiley - laugh

The Rec. Lounge

Post 152

Arisztid Lugosi

hmmm... well if you ask me about a book that i like i can tell you tons of stuff... but i think after that i'm pretty much useless....

The Rec. Lounge

Post 153


Not even close...you're a great Captain, a Leader of Vikings, and a lovely person in general smiley - cheerup

Where would we be without you, Cap'n? I mean, I'd probably still be suffering from post-congaline embarrasment, and we'd have no sissy umbrellas! And that's just for starters smiley - biggrin!!

The Rec. Lounge

Post 154

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

I agree! smiley - ok Three cheers for the cap'n!

Hup hup...

The Rec. Lounge

Post 155


Hooray smiley - cheers

smiley - somersault

The Rec. Lounge

Post 156

Arisztid Lugosi

thanks guys i feel so loved.

and its a lovely feeling to leave wiht!

The Rec. Lounge

Post 157


Goodnight smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch - thanks for playing, and hopefully I'll catch you tomorrow...smiley - cheerup!

The Rec. Lounge

Post 158

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Oh bugger, she's leaving already. smiley - sadface

Sleep well hun. Hope your week goes well... I'll see you on tuesday evening I guess, your time. Probably. Failing that, thursday. smiley - ok

The Rec. Lounge

Post 159


Oh, just in case anyone needs to know...I'm only in today and tomorrow...and after that I won't be in until a week from tomorrow...

...did that make sense smiley - headhurts??

*looks for something stronger than a smoothie behind the bar*

The Rec. Lounge

Post 160

Jerms - a Brief flicker and then gone again.

Oh... smiley - hug We'll miss you.

I hope it's a good thing which is taking you away from us.
smiley - cuddle

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