A Conversation for Bolle's Berliner Buletten Bude (Inh. AXR)

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 61

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

how can you know? my friends are all very mean people... just like you...smiley - winkeye

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 62

Malabarista - now with added pony

Then I'll get along fine with them to torture *you*!

I have room for 3-4 extra people.

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 63

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - cool thank you very much
I'll ask my friend Marlies then (a TP fansmiley - winkeye (and she's got a 2 on this terrible physics examsmiley - erm))

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 64

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - ok

So you don't like her at the moment?smiley - winkeye

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 65

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laugh... we're doing it again... let's move to another threadsmiley - winkeye

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 66

Malabarista - now with added pony

Right. Sorry everyone!

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 67

aka Bel - A87832164

TC, any weekend except the 1.st October should be fine with me.smiley - ok

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 68

You can call me TC

.. that looks as if TP stands for Terrible Physics!!

So - how are we getting on, then?

17th is out - too many can't make it
18th is out - some people have to vote

Which brings us on to 24th and 25th (both OK by me, so far) or the weekend 10/11 September (better chance of weather being warmer)

From now on in, I will list all votes.

Please don't forget to let anyone else know about it - we ought to be able to get 6-8 people together.

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 69

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - ok

24/25 should be ok, for me, I think

(2 is a fairly good mark, though!)

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 70

You can call me TC

And, if TP stands for Terry Pratchett, which it must, does Marlies read them in English or in German, and if the latter, what are the translations like?

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 71

Malabarista - now with added pony

Yes, it it Terry Pratchett! The current translations aren'T bad, as such, better than the Harry Potter translations, at least. Come join us if you'Re interested!A4334898 We have a German-English Discworld dictionary going on...

smiley - grovel

Apologies to everyone else for topic drift!

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 72

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

smiley - laugh in fact the two informations os TP and physics have nothing to do with each other, I may add a third one by saying: I didn't pass this exam

for me both dates are ok I thinksmiley - smiley

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 73

aka Bel - A87832164

11th/12th or 25th/26th doesn't matter, both are work Saturdays, so maybe I'll join all of you a bit later, depends on which time you'll meet, and how far from the station it is, cause I'll probably come with the train.

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 74

Malabarista - now with added pony

So you were just appealing to my inner smiley - geek so I'd let her in?smiley - winkeye

*nono, bad Mala, stop it with the topic drift*

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 75

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - yikes 70€ one way by train!

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 76

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

wow, is it such a long way? I now think I'll be at about 150€ to go there and back.

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 77

Malabarista - now with added pony

I'll try to find a different way, I don'T think I can afford that!

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 78

AXR (empty)

For me the 23./24. looks better, but nonetheless I don't know if I can come. smiley - erm

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 79

You can call me TC

23rd is a Friday isn't it? I've got something on that evening. But Sat/Sun is fine. Please try and make it AXR - how long have we known each other here - 5 years?

Heidelberg Meet September 2005 Sign up here

Post 80

AXR (empty)

sure I mean 24./25.9. Maybe we will have guests at home and I will know this at short notice. Therefore I can not promise anything.

... and you are rigth it is more then five years ...
(I started in march 2000)

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