A Conversation for M2M2 - Coming Out


Post 1

Weird Sister

OK. So how to start. Well, I think that... I've been having a feeling that... I might like women at least as much as I like men. There! I've said it!
In fact, I've known this for quite some time and I don't have any problems with it, nor would my friends and family, I'm sure. My problem, rather, is this: how do you find people who feel the way you do (IRL, I mean)? I don't want to put on a big fat lesbian attitude (please yell at me if this sounds offending. I'll try to explain what I mean), but then I don't see myself chatting someone up who would then most likely back away from me. And so on and so on and so on. I'm confused. Anybody interested in helping me out there?

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