A Conversation for M2M2 - Coming Out


Post 1


I grew up in Northern Ireland where the difficuties in coming out are multiplied by the overtly religious if not Christian approach of so many people over there. I like a large number of gay people from Northern Ireland needed to find somewhere less conspicuous so moved to London. My parents however still do not know everything about me though I think they suspect, but I just can't tell them I've no idea how they would handle it. So when I go home I act so straight it is unreal, I pass a straight anyway so that's not to much of a problem.


Post 2


I have to say the only advice that can be given is to do it in your own time, and when you feel it's right.

There is a tendency for people to say 'you have to come out NOW' and that is created by (a very fair) feeling that since there is nothing wrong with being gay you shouldn't hide it. But it's still a very personal thing and should be done in your own time.

The only thing I can say from my experience is that my parents were infinitely cooler with it than I could ever imagine they would be. The biggest block seemed to be that 'Things weren't like this in our day' as they put it...

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