A Conversation for M2M2 - Coming Out
Stuff II
Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' Started conversation Jul 24, 2001
Good evening...
I posted more or less the same ramble on Fragilis' article about bisexuality, but I'd like as many opportunities as poss for discussion.
I've been unconcerned about my orientation just about forever (having gay friends of both sexes, I'm not really bothered) but have recently figured I'm bi. I find this more fascinating than scary, worrying or shameful... which I suppose is fortunate. I've been with my boyfriend for 2 1/2 years, and since I've always been honest with him, this is no exception. No problems there, since he's not troubled by it. However, I'm now in the position of wondering who else I should tell... usually I tell my friends all sorts of personal stuff, since we're all young, mad and liberal, and we know plenty of openly gay people. I'm just a little bothered as to who should know, and when. I don't so much feel like I'm hiding anything or living in secret, but sometimes I just feel like mentioning it in passing.
I'm not about to tell my family, since I don't think they need to know yet. (Not sure there'd be a problem, but I'm not desperate for them to know.)
So all in all, I'm just wondering what others do and have done... any thoughts would be appreciated.
PS, everyone here on the Guide has been totally unconcerned so far- I didn't expect anyone to be offensive, but it's still pleasant to see such open-mindedness.
Stuff II
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Apr 17, 2002
Don't know if this is too late, whether you've done it, or changed your mind...
I mentioned that I was bi to my friends in passing. I chose a couple of closer friends to discuss it with before hand, but then just I broke it in to the lot of them particularly gently. One of my tactics for telling people was to tell someone I didn't know very well, who I knew would spread the news. I told him online one night, sure enough the next day half my class knew and were coming up to me saying "Don't worry, it's okay" as if it was a problem.
As I make new friends frequently, I tend to make it known to them after my friendship with them is secured so that they won't create a false impression of me! I tend to tell males more than females, because I worry that the females may stand back a bit, even if they know I've a long-term boyfriend. The way I do it, they tend to take it quite well. I don't think it fully registers in their brains, though the information has been taken in. With the males I tend to just say it bluntly, in conversation, with the females it's more of blatant hinting (mock flirting) and then answering the question when it is posed.
Then again I think I am seen as a very sexually adventurous person, making sick comments and jokes all over the place. So perhaps they expected it the whole time.
- Poet, 9 months late
Stuff II
Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' Posted Apr 18, 2002
Evenin'. I couldn't actually remember what I wrote since it was long ago and sort of a ramble, but now The Situation is that those who I tell, know and those I don't remain in ignorance. I still don't reckon everyone needs to be in on it (parents, parents of boyfriend, people I don't like etc.) because what's it to them? I told a different and very close (but entirely platonic) friend, who replied that she was bi too... there was a surprise, the only reason, it turned out, neither of us had mentioned it previously was it might bring up memories of unpleasant bi-pretentious types we'd previously disliked. So I have company, anyway. Peachy! (Another knowledgeable friend says it's catching. Hope so.)
I am now at uni which is all-new, so I'm leaving it for a while unless it comes up in conversation. (I envisaged some problems with a rather sheltered evangelical type... they're no longer around tho.)
I sometimes am severely tempted to use it to scare or shock. Only those who would deserve it tho... similarly I doubt anyone would be really astonished, apart from those who've not been subjected to my constant BDSM-related bizarreness. Their loss...
Stuff II
Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga Posted Apr 19, 2002
heh heh heh
Yeah, it's probably best to only let people you want to know know. As I might have already said, though, I'm a terribly loud and no-secrets person, and I tend to wear everything on the outside. Including a little badge that says I don't think straight"
Hooray. BDSM.
Stuff II
Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' Posted Apr 20, 2002
Joy! I toyed with getting the 'Nobody knows I'm a lesbian' t-shirt, but that wouldn't be strictly true, and besides there was a better one. With handcuffs.
To some I am loud and no-secrets, to others very shy and (hopefully) mysterious. But if any such said some stupid comment I would have to take it personally and respond, of course.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have a few strong words with a certain self-proclaimed homophobe.
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Stuff II
- 1: Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' (Jul 24, 2001)
- 2: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Apr 17, 2002)
- 3: Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' (Apr 18, 2002)
- 4: Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga (Apr 19, 2002)
- 5: Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' (Apr 20, 2002)
- 6: Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress' (Jun 25, 2002)
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