A Conversation for The Cheshire Grin Inn

Sixth Orders

Post 61

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

*looks at Zax on the floor, and panics*

Sixth Orders

Post 62


Sound strategy, Dan.

Sixth Orders

Post 63

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

What's that supposed to mean? I'm tired of these constant accusations! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Sixth Orders

Post 64

Archangel Zax

*turns a faint shade of blue, as the body rapidly cools*

Sixth Orders

Post 65


*places large, very hot object near a certain region of the body and pokes it closer with pool cue*

Sixth Orders

Post 66

Fashion Cat

*looks at the cctv of the event... sees a running theme...*

*gasps* noooo....

Sixth Orders

Post 67

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*placidly collects glasses and begins rinsing them and placing them in dishwasher*

Sixth Orders

Post 68


~Greebo jumps opf Zax... this looks dangerous~

Sixth Orders

Post 69

Fashion Cat

*she looks at Zax's pale body and bursts into tears...*

all i can say is i hope those responsible feel happy with themselves.

*takes all her strength and lifts Zax's body.*

I better go sort out the funeral arrangments with GOD-Almighty

*leaves solemnly*

Sixth Orders

Post 70

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*interested* I've never seen a researcher die online before. Is this what they call being deaded? Of course, anyone associated with St. Peter won't stay dead for long.
*begins taking washed glasses out of dishwasher and polishing them*

Sixth Orders

Post 71


Oh my... somebody died at the Grin... ~Greebo looks worried~... Do you think that the health inspecters will come calling?????

Sixth Orders

Post 72

Archangel Zax

smiley - winkeye

Sixth Orders

Post 73


...only if the smell becomes unbearable. smiley - fish

Sixth Orders

Post 74


...only if the smell becomes unbearable. smiley - fish

Sixth Orders

Post 75

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Well, Fashion Cat has dragged the alleged body away. Nobody will accuse the Grin of anything nasty or *gasp* drag the Grin into the campaign, cos there were plenty of witnesses to say that Zax was choking and gasping when he staggered in here.

Androyd, Greebo has designed a new drink, the Puce Paint. Would you like it neat or with thinner? Not that I'm the bartender, but she told me how to make it.

Sixth Orders

Post 76

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

Who could have done such a thing to Zax?

Sixth Orders

Post 77

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I thought he was struck by lightning.

Sixth Orders

Post 78

Fashion Cat

*rushes in with Zax's body in tow*

right... I've looked at my first aid books and come to the conclusion that its LAS (Lack of Alcohol Syndrome). GOD-Almighty did the business above and replaced the soul back into him... all i have to do know is increase his blood alcohol levels...

Large bottle of strong spirit

BED: Large bottle of strong spirit

Long intravenous tube

BED: Long intravenous tube

Big scary looking needle

BED: Big scary looking needle

right. *hooks up Zax* to IV alcoholic supply....*

all we can do now is wait...

*looks around to see nervous faces*

Sixth Orders

Post 79

Archangel Zax

*slooooooowly begins to turn pink*

Sixth Orders

Post 80

Fashion Cat

*holds breath*

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