A Conversation for The Cheshire Grin Inn

Sixth Orders

Post 21

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

*stares at his glass, which reads "Salary-Webjelo 200 Kampaign", and tries to decipher it's meaning.*

Sixth Orders

Post 22

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Dan, I didn't know you were dyslexic! smiley - tongueout

Sixth Orders

Post 23


*pulls out own glass from somewhere*
Turnip juice, Lil.

Sixth Orders

Post 24

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Ha ha!

What you didn't realise, Lil, was that each time the glasses went in, they were in a different position, so now they're etched all over and have become opaque!

Now amswer me this - how will the president's jurisdiction affect the monarchy? I mean, he or she's not gonna be able to tell Queen bluDragon of Damogran (if she ever comes back online) what to do, surely? Or does Damogran just remain a Duchy or something, independent of the rules of h2g2? There could be some constitutional problems here...

Okay about the artwork, Lil. I can see why you're in demand. But if you ever should get a moment, my feeble cartoon likeness lives on the image-hosting bit of the h2g2 servers, so it's easy enough to get at.

Sixth Orders

Post 25

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

That's an interesting point about the monarchy, SPINY, cos something very similar came up when Redbeard and I were raising the issue of threadiquette and the Law of Continuity. Marv the Grate entered the discussion and said that, while he basically agreed with the Law, he felt that his Church should be exempt from jurisdiction. Kind of like the Vatican.

I don't know how he reconciles that with running for Virtual Prez, though.

Where did bludragon go? She coulda been a Contender.

*looks at glasses which now have a finely etched abstract pattern in a band around the middle, and thinks dark thoughts about her lack of hardware chops*

Sixth Orders

Post 26

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Yep. I guess the Realm of Damogran would just carry on in its own inimitable way, being politically neutral, and all. But what powers *will* the President have anyway? They're not going to be able to meet presidents of other web sites at diplomatic dinners or stuff like that, and they'll have trouble imposing their will on the anarchic mob that is h2g2, so what do they get out of it? Money, power, glory? I don't think so. A banana republic, that's all we are smiley - smiley

Queen bluDragon is building a log cabin in the upper peninsula of Michigan (da Yoop), which RL activity has taken her out of the h2g2 loop for a few months. She *could* have been a great contender, you're right, Lil, but can you have a monarch as a president? Conflict of interest, no?

Sixth Orders

Post 27

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Did conflict of interest ever stop anything here before? This is the only place I know of where one can be involved in an enchanted realm in one thread, sitting at a cafe in another thread, and attending a committee meeting in a third.
Yes, there are committee meetings around here. business threads.

I can't divulge details at this time, but I know that the Celery and Ms. Webjello are planning quite a roster of social events in the event that they are elected. And I should hope that all the campaign staffs (staves?) will be getting together for a big party after the election. Not only is this great fun, but I stand in awe of the sense of humour, creativity, determination and deviousness of my fellow competitors.
Sorry about that. But it's true, you know.
*surreptitiously begins to re-program dishwasher*

Sixth Orders

Post 28

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Well I know the campaigning is hotting up, what with all the flyposters on the lampost outside my home page, but I shall be assuming a disinterested stance, as is my usual with elections. If anyone comes to my door canvassing my opinion I shall tell them I'll be be voting for the Opposition, and when the loudhailer vans come around the streets, I'll be opening my window and hammering 200 wayys of Hank Williams at them. And as for people doing dubious things with dishwashers ... you're not a goddam Commie spy are you Lil? Or is that your real name?

*shines powerful Maglite up really close*

Look everyone - it's Lil Marlene!

Sixth Orders

Post 29

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

SPINY, the Cold War is over. Really. There aren't any communists any more, not the sort you're talking about. They're all economists now.

I'll give you Lili Marlene. smiley - winkeye

Sixth Orders

Post 30


~Greebo makes an entrance... and admires her handywork..~

Anyone got some paint??? A simple puce colour me thinks... ~grin~

Sixth Orders

Post 31

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*turns and looks at bottles behind counter*

Err, do we serve paint?

Sixth Orders

Post 32


~Greebo grins~... Of course... the Grin serves everything... Tis on the top shelf... in the tin... stick it in a glass with a little umbrella... you never know... it might become a favourite... ~Greebo looks over at the Bable Fish on the counter...~
Oh... the fish is called Donut... that name got over twice the amount of the next highest...
Hello Donut... how are we today???
~Donut eyes Greebo... and then spits at her~
~Greebo wipes away the wetness... with distaste~
Nice fish...

Sixth Orders

Post 33

Archangel Big 'Evil' Dan

You'd think a Babelfish of all creatures would understand a simple hello.

Sixth Orders

Post 34

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*hopes Greebo won't notice strangely etched glasses*
*finds fancy stemmed glass, and fills it with shaved ice, then puce paint, skewers cherry on little umbrella and drops it in*

You invented this for androyd, right?

Sixth Orders

Post 35


~Greebo grins brightly~ Of course... ~She then stares at the glasses~ Whats that strange etching on those glasses Lil????

Sixth Orders

Post 36

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Please don't fire me. *begins to cry*

Sixth Orders

Post 37

Fashion Cat

*gives Lil a hug* never mind, I'm sure we can get rid of it... oh yes, heres a nice Baldrick sticker which can happily go on top smiley - smiley

smiley - ale?

Sixth Orders

Post 38

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

ROFL *bipolar reaction*
those will clog up the dishwasher nicely! smiley - bigeyes

Yes please.

Sixth Orders

Post 39

Fashion Cat

*passes smiley - ale*

I dont know, I pop off for a few days, and return to DDs assassination... terrible smiley - smiley

Sixth Orders

Post 40

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

wrong expression

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