Talking Point: A Rubbish Idea

12 Conversations

A plastic green recycling waste box.

Oi, you! Empty out that kitchen bin right now! Mmm, what's all this then? Paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, metal, egg shells, potato skins, hedge clippings... You weren't seriously going to leave that little lot out for the binmen, were you?

Okay, we'd like to think that members of the h2g2 Community are a little more environmentally savvy than the aforementioned type of person, but when it comes to household waste, are we really doing all that we can to minimise what gets wrapped in black plastic and dumped in the ground? Just how much more of our rubbish could be recycled, reused or composted with a little extra effort?

Well, put away those bin bags, because the UK government is on hand to make sure that those living in Britain change their wasteful ways. If pilot schemes prove successful, councils nationwide may start charging households based on the amount they throw away. In principle, it's a great idea - mind your waste or pay the price. But in reality such a scheme poses a whole raft of problems. It would lead to 'a surge in fly-tipping, people dumping their waste in neighbours' gardens and more back garden bonfires', claims the shadow communities secretary Eric Pickles, while others firmly believe that the problem should be tackled at source - by not creating so much disposable matter in the first place.

What are your thoughts on the UK government's 'pay as you throw' initiative?

  • Do you think the scheme could work, or is it doomed to failure?

  • What potential flaws can you foresee in the plans?

  • What better ways can you think of to encourage a more responsible attitude towards household waste?

  • Are recycling facilities adequate where you live?

  • Do you take packaging into account when shopping? Do you ever refuse to buy products on the basis of their packaging?

  • UK residents: do you feel that you pay enough in taxes already? Does this just seem like a sneaky way of increasing the Council Tax without providing extra services?

  • Do you always wash out your tins, plastic trays, etc. - even the smelly, awkward items such as pet food tins and fishy plastic containers?

  • If the 'pay as you throw' charge comes in where you live, do you think you'll be tempted to chuck the odd bag in your neighbour's bin when they're not looking?

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