A Conversation for H2G2 Space Centre

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 21


When I was playing Elite in about 1988 I remember wishing that there could be some kind of national* link-up system so all players could be in the same universe.

I think somebody should do it. The problem with such games is connection speed but with such a simple game there shouldn't be any problem, there's very little data that needs to be transmitted.

*I didn't think in international terms back then. Mainly because I had never heard of the internet, modems, or even serial links!

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 22


Hey... me just found another great game... called Imperium Galatica II... it's not Elite... but its great to play...

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 23


I think I've vaguely heard of that. Is it a fairly new game?

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 24


About 2 or 3 weeks me thinks... it's very good... quite addictive actually... ~grin~

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 25


I'm still playing Elite and Frontier on my Amiga,& still having fun.
Frontier is a pain when u go into high speed it seems to attract
every bandit in space...8^D
I was dangerous on the speccy,...never made Elite..do you remember
that horrible plastic lens u had to look thru to read the password?
These days I just cruise around visiting places & fighting the bad
guys...(I cheat to get money,etc)
Good game,good game....

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 26


Elite was mentioned in this months PCW. They have a retro feature looking back at computers from years gone by. This month it's the BBC micro, spawning one the of the most influential games of all time, Elite smiley - smiley

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 27


Ah Elite... ~Greebo thinks fond memories~ ... that music as you went aboard a space station...

Da... Daaa... Da... Daa. Daaaaaaaa ... Da Da... Da Da....


The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 28





The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 29


Hmmm... ~grin~... me forgot about that bit of the game...

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 30


I hated that... after playing for hours on end and getting on really well... going into a space station so you can save the game... and you mistime the spinning slightly... Game Over..... GNNNNANANANANANNAAAAAAARGGHHH!!!!

*falls down in dispair as bits of his spaceship spin away*

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 31

The Cow

Oh my god - someone who could actually land -without- autopilot!

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 32


I could do it occasionally. Much saving of that game to get anywhere.

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 33


Me actually landed on an un-populated planet once... took me a whole afternoon... ~proud grin~ off loaded my mining gear... took off... and then the stupid game would never let me back to the planet again... ~Greebo Poots to herself!!!~

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 34

The Cow

I've tried the Speccy version on an emulator... a bit difficult to understand what the hell is going on!

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 35


Nah... ~grin~... that's just the game on every machine Cow...

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 36

The Cow

Yes, but with Frontier for the PC you can mouse over to buttons...

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 37


That is true.. ~grin~

The 'Elite' Outpost

Post 38


I never understood Frontier.
Probably 'cos I was playing a pirated version with no manuals, so I didn't know what buttons to press. smiley - winkeye

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