"that favorite subject, myself"

6 Conversations

Well, well. I'm trying to present myself as honestly as I can here.
5' 2 3/4"
The answer is yes.
Extremely sarcastic.
Night person.
with occasional bursts of euphoria.
Single and on hormonal overdrive, like many an adolescent.
Allergic to cats and pollen.
Classic rock fan.
Insecure but dealing with it.
Baseball player, die-hard fan.
Suburban dweller.
Agnostic, Jew.
Not a smoker anymore, go me.
Pathetic. (meaning the opposite of apathetic...)
Socialist... maybe.
I hold with those who favor fire.

But I flatter myself.

Some good movies:
Monty Python - any of the movies
Shawshank Redemption
Pulp Fiction

Music I like:
the Beatles
Ani DiFranco
They Might Be Giants, Moxy Fruvous
Pink Floyd
Hendrix, Zep, the Doors, Janis Joplin
Infected Mushrooms, and in general goa
and absolutely, positively not Shania Twain

My dog's name:

My favorite Beatle:

Other important folk:
Ralph Nader - Bugs Bunny - JR "Bob" Dobbs - Eeyore - God? - Utah Phillips - Calvin - Bob Dylan - Bhoutros-Bhoutros Gali (sp?), always thrillingy fun to say - Robert Frost - Holden Caulfield - Joseph Heller - Ender Wiggin - Jim Morrison - Adam Eddington - George Herman "Babe" Ruth - Shel Silverstein - Jack Daniels - Buzz Lightyear - Robert Frost - Craig Kilberger - George Harrison. Did I say Jack Daniels?

JK Rowlings - Poly O'Keefe - Dar Williams - Mary Harris "Mother" Jones - Rachel Carson - Emma Goldman - more to come

What I wanna be when I "grow up":
A writer - probably a journalist, to start.

Uh... I smoke marijuana when I can get it. Will this be censored? Time will tell.

I like cold beverages.

I like poetry, and I like the snow. I like Hemingway. I like Frost. I like Dostoyevsky. I like cummings. It's just got to make me dream a little.

Things that p**s me off:

The emptiness of my wallet
Close-minded people
Living a $3.00 train ride away from all my friends
Israel's treatment of Palestinians, and
Oppression anywhere and in any form, including
Censorship (cough BBC cough)

My biggest fear:
Not living life to the fullest extent that I can. Being boring.

What do I want: Good friends, good job, good sex, a lot of thinking and a lot of doing, a little bit of culture and a lot of laughter, a couple more fluencies in good languages, something or other published, a lot of perfect afternoons, starry nights, fresh mornings, a little bit of excitement, dew on the grass, a warm bed, family, travel, simple pleasures, kids, joys, sadness, more joy, and good friends to be there. The sunlight on the trees in my forest.

I think I've cheered a bit since last updating the entry. Score one for ioreth, and bitter teenagers everywhere.

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