Jimi X's Projects

3 Conversations

Flashes of Inspiration

Since I devote a lot of my late-night hours to fiddling about on the Internet after my daughters are all sound asleep, I'm easily distracted.

I might be moved to write an entry about my home state's lost treasures and find myself sidetracked into writing an entry about a famous outlaw who buried gold in a nearby county. Then I'll get further sidetracked and write an entry about that county and since that county has several covered bridges, I'll wind up writing an entry about the bridges. And like as not, I'll finish the last tangent before I get the first entry finished.

Besides all that, I'm rather involved in loads of outside stuff and by the end of the day my thoughts can be rather jumbled. So the real purpose behind this page is to serve as my backup memory and help me keep track of my major projects.

If I find myself devoting too much time to side projects, the 'working' tags beside the major projects might help to pull me back from my diversions.

In the Process

These entries are somewhere within the h2g2 Editorial Process. I'm keeping them on this page so if something happens to them and they vanish, I'll be able to track them down again.

Nearly Ready for Peer Review

These entries are 90 percent finished (or more). I'm listing them here so I don't forget to do that final 10 percent and send them off to Peer Review.


These entries are community compilations that I've volunteered to pull together and submit to Peer Review .

Random Stuff

These entries are part of my procrastination problem I talked about at the top of this page. I'll get a notion to write a quick entry on some topic that momentarily strikes my fancy and I'll neglect the 'serious' stuff. I know that I've got a lot of work to do on my 'big' projects, but these 'little' ones bubble up in by brain and I can't focus on the 'big' stuff until I get the 'little' stuff sorted. I guess it's just the way my brain works...

Entries in bold type are the next ones I intend to finish. Or they might already be finished and are simply waiting to join the PR queue when DD and I are ready to submit our 100th entries.

Delaware Stuff

I recently went on holiday to the Blue Hen state and I've got a few entries that I plan to write within the next few weeks, including:

  • Delaware, USA - working
  • The Quiet Resorts, Delaware, USA - not started

Hershey Pages

There are loads of other pages I want to include - like other pages on Hershey's candy products and the various attractions in and around Hershey. So much to write, but so little time...

Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania

I'm working some entries to describe life in a small town in northwest Lancaster County, but instead of doing a formal h2g2 University project, I'm thinking of doing them as I can. Some of the things I'm planning or writing:

  • Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, USA - not started
  • Elizabethtown College, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, USA - working
  • Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, USA - not started
  • Elizabethtown Fair, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, USA - not started
  • Winters Heritage House and Museum, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, USA - not started

University Project Pages

Astronomy Stuff

The University Observatory - updated monthly - NOT!.

The Battle of Gettysburg, American Civil War

I plan to do an h2g2 University Project to examine the history of the Battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania during the American Civil War. Some proposed entries include the following pages:

Updated 21 June, 2005

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