A Conversation for Phantasy Phootball Euro 2004 - Homepage

PP:The Final Update

Post 1

Alfredo Marquez

And that was that...the tournament ended with Theo "yes the crap Leicester bloke" Zagorakis lifting the trophy which crowned Greece as Champions of Europe. Meanwhile here Egon maintained his charge to take the title of Phantasy Phootball European Champion, thanks to yet another clean sheet for his Greek goalkeeper Antonios Nikopolidis. Master B finishes second and Andy G third, both within 4 points of the top and our long time leader Otto ends in fourth.

So heres to our champion Egon and to Greece the champions of Europe

smiley - bubbly

PP:The Final Update

Post 2


*graciously accepts trophy and medal while flicking V-signs at Master B*

PP:The Final Update

Post 3

McKay The Disorganised

Not easily done graciously whilst wearing a tutu and pit boots.

smiley - applause

smiley - cider

PP:The Final Update

Post 4

riotact : like a phoenix from the ashes

many thanks to alfredo for making this all possible; i'm sure he's too modest to admit it was a mountain of work, but it certainly must have been. chapeau!

PP:The Final Update

Post 5

Mu Beta

Well, it wasn't too much work after he nicked my design for the page. smiley - tongueout

In all seriousness, PP 2004-05 will be up and running in a couple of weeks' time. The team limit is 15, although if I get huge demand, I might consider running a two-division system or adding first division teams to the player list.

I will of course give priority to last season's teams.


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