A Conversation for Phantasy Phootball Euro 2004 - Homepage

PP:Update 26/6 and 27/6

Post 1

Alfredo Marquez

B has retaken the lead at the top of the table but there are 3 teams within 10 points of him. Six is now only 15 points behind after the top score for this update of 13 but has he left his charge too late?

smiley - ale

PP:Update 26/6 and 27/6

Post 2


smiley - erm Shouldn't I get 3 points for a clean sheet from Reiziger? Holland seem to have finally decided that he's their best right-back... smiley - smiley

PP:Update 26/6 and 27/6

Post 3

Alfredo Marquez

Yes you should have...and now you have. Otto now down to third with Andy G only one point off the top with the top score of this update (15 points)

smiley - ale

PP:Update 26/6 and 27/6

Post 4

Mu Beta

Yeah! Who's yer daddy?!

(Egon - you don't have to answer that smiley - winkeye)


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