A Conversation for Phantasy Phootball Euro 2004 - Homepage
PP:Update 19/6 and 20/6
Alfredo Marquez Started conversation Jun 21, 2004
Egon up to third with a high score of 9, Six drops 2 places to fifth and Otto still leads
B has signed Antonio Cassano and my error with Sprout signing Cristiano Zanetti has been amended.
PP:Update 19/6 and 20/6
sprout Posted Jun 21, 2004
Fernando Couto played fifteen minutes last night. Is that enough for the clean sheet bonus?
PP:Update 19/6 and 20/6
sprout Posted Jun 21, 2004
Ah. Looks like he's going to be one of my many damp squibs then. Good job I've got loads of cash left.
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PP:Update 19/6 and 20/6
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