A Conversation for Hadrians Wall - A Journey along the edge of Empire

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A26862276 - Hadrians Wall - A Journey through Roman Britain

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Entry: Hadrians Wall - A Journey through Roman Britain - A26862276
Author: Bob Stafford. ACE smiley - smiley Join The h2g2 Book Club @ A20154070 (Keeper of The Treacle Shadow) - U3151547

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A26862276 - Hadrians Wall - A Journey through Roman Britain

Post 2


Hi Bob. Looks nice. Was the wall successful? I recall reading that no wall has ever been successful - wondering if it's true.

A26862276 - Hadrians Wall - A Journey through Roman Britain

Post 3


Hi Br. Leo

Thank you

Good point ultimatly the wall faild in its purpose as it was impossable for the Romans to keep it manned. But al the while it was garrisoned it proved successful.

A26862276 - Hadrians Wall - A Journey through Roman Britain

Post 4


Nice entry...

Couple of points that confused me...

You've put in a 5-point scale to describe the forts, but the maximum you've allocated any of them is a 4... I'd have thought that Vindolanda, at least, would have merited a 5...

Speaking of which, you could pinch some information from here http://www.vindolanda.com/ to flesh out your entry on that bit.
I've never actually heard it called Chesterholm before either, which might be a gap in my knowledge, but it did confuse me slightly when glancing through the entry for the first time as I thought you'd missed the place out all together.

Secondly, Stanwix Fort and Carlisle. Your description seems, to me, to put Stanwix Fort right on top of the river Eden, whereas, as far as I know, it's on a bluff a couple of hundred yards to the north of the river (Stanwix Bank), with a low-lying flood plain between it and the river

(Nice PDF here --&gtsmiley - winkeyehttp://www.dur.ac.uk/resources/archaeological.services/research_training/hadrianswall_research_framework/project_documents/Stanwix.pdf

And just to nitpick even further, you might want to change Bowness to 'Bowness on Solway' (to differentiate it from Bowness on Windermere to the south of Cumbria)

A26862276 - Hadrians Wall - A Journey through Roman Britain

Post 5


You've put in a 5-point scale to describe the forts, but the maximum you've allocated any of them is a 4... I'd have thought that Vindolanda, at least, would have merited a 5...

smiley - ok sorry thats a typo.

Speaking of which, you could pinch some information from here http://www.vindolanda.com/ to flesh out your entry on that bit.
I've never actually heard it called Chesterholm before either, which might be a gap in my knowledge, but it did confuse me slightly when glancing through the entry for the first time as I thought you'd missed the place out all together.

smiley - ok Thanks for that I will go and look

Secondly, Stanwix Fort and Carlisle. Your description seems, to me, to put Stanwix Fort right on top of the river Eden, whereas, as far as I know, it's on a bluff a couple of hundred yards to the north of the river (Stanwix Bank), with a low-lying flood plain between it and the river

smiley - ok thats me (BTW the river was wider in AD whatsit, so both views are possibly confuseing) I will think and re write I want this to be clear.

I would be wrong to think that was it, any more comments particularly the first part.

Thanks for the suggestions

Bob...smiley - cheers

A26862276 - Hadrians Wall - A Journey through Roman Britain

Post 6


All done thakssmiley - smiley

A26862276 - Hadrians Wall - A Journey through Roman Britain

Post 7


Any more comments please smiley - smiley

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