Hadrians Wall - A Journey along the edge of Empire

2 Conversations

This is a journey of 74 miles1 from west to east along Hadrian’s Wall, the wall built through some of the most beautiful countryside in Britain. Hadrian's wall runs from Bowness (Maia) in the west to South Shields (Arbeia) in the east, forming one of the most formidable military fortifications in the Roman Empire.

The Roman name for the wall is unknown, however there is some evidence2 they called it the Vallum Aelium, or the Aelian frontier.

The wall, located in northern Britain and built between the river Tyne and the Solway Firth3, and is accessed by the modern roads the A69 and the B6318.

In brief the route travels from Bowness on Solway to Drumburgh, Burgh by Sands and on to Stanwix where it crossed to the southern bank of the River Eden. The road then goes on to Castlesteads then to Birdoswald and then to Great Chesters.

From there the wall continues to Housesteads, Carrawburgh and Chesters where it crosses the North Tyne River. The wall continues to Halton Chesters, Rudchester, Benwell Hill and Newcastle upon Tyne and a bridge over the River Tyne. The last two forts are on the banks of the River Tyne, the first at Wallsend on the north bank, and the second at South Shields on the south bank at the mouth of the river.

The Wall

The Romans started building the wall around 122 AD. Two distinct methods of construction were employed. When the wall was started from Wallsend to Castlesteads it was constructed in limestone blocks with a concrete and rubble core. However, when construction reached the area around the River Irthing near Gilsand Cumbria (near Castlesteads) in 126 AD, the construction method was altered: as construction of the wall continued to the east it was built in turf and timber with stone reinforcements4. This may have been due to the cost of the project or even the need for rapid completion of the western section due to the threat of raids from the north. There was less easily available limestone at the western end, and this was the most likley reason for the change. The western section was rebuilt in stone within ten years.

Throughout its length the front of the wall was protected with a deep ditch and a bank. When completed the wall was on average 5 metres high and 2.023 meters wide.

The structural elements of the wall were

  • A deep ditch with a slope to slow up any attack and make the attacking forces easier to kill with missile weapons such as bows.
  • A wide flat aread with obstacles also slowed attacks and provided a further space to target attackers with missile weapons such as spears.
  • The wall and towers provided a better view of the surrounding area and greater range for the defenders when firing bows and the like. If attackers reached the base of the wall or towers then heavy items could be dropped on them.
  • The Stanegate supply road was vital for supplies during peace and wartime. In peacetime it could also be used for trade, while it was a way to get reinforcements to the wall during wartime.
  • A further deep ditch with a slope protected the rear of the wall.

The Emperor Hadrian - Rule 117 to 138 AD:

Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus was born in Rome on January 24, 76 AD, and ruled until his death on July 10, 138 AD. An administrator, a scholar and a successful soldier, who saw action in Germany, Syria, Pannonia and Greece. In Dacia as legate of the V legion The Macedonica, his abilities as a commander earned him awards from Trajan. A favourite of the Emperor Trajan’s wife, he became Emperor when Trajan died in 117 AD.

The empire was in chaos and there were uprisings in Egypt, Judea, Libya and Mauretania, to add to this Britain was having severe problems with the Caledonian tribes. To establish his rule and strengthen the peace he had won he ordered a series of border fortifications built in Germany and Britain. The German fortifications were of timber but in Britain they were to be more substantial. Hadrian visited Britain to organise the construction of the wall and his visit also improved morale of the legions and the population.

Hadrian's Wall and the service roads

The western forts were supplied by local roads from Carlisle (Luguvalium). The west of Carlisle and Stanwix (Vxelodunum) were supplied by the Stanegate Roman road which predates the wall by 70 years and ran south of Hadrian’s Wall, from Stanwix (Vxelondunum) to its eastern end at Halton Chesters where it joined Dere Street at Corbridge as it ran into Halton Chesters. The eastern end of wall the was served by the Wrekendike that ran to Newcastle upon Tyne (Pons Aelius5) and South Shields (Arbeia).

Hadrian's Wall was built by three of the four legions (and their attached auxiliaries) that were stationed in Britain.

  • Legion XX
  • Legion II
  • Legion VI

Legion XX and legion II were part of the 43 AD, invasion force. The Legion VI were sent to Britain in 122 AD, and were posted to York.

Building Hadrian's Wall

There is little doubt that the Romans would have preferred a convenient geographical feature to form the initial barrier as on the Rhine and Danube6 frontier in Germany, and even deserts were used as barriers in Africa. It is therefore no coincidence that plans were drawn up to join two major river estuaries7 across the narrowest part of the country. Even so from the beginning this was destined to be a formidable project.

Hadrian's Wall was built along the line of the original border which was the Stanegate road and the forts of Carlisle, Carovian, Chesterholm and Corbridge. Roads such as Stanegate were often used to define a border of this type. Occasionally referred to as the Limes8 Britannicus the Stanegate road was the original border, after the building of the wall it was used to serve the wall and its forts.

Starting around 122 AD, at the eastern end and working towards the west, the building of the wall took approximately eight years. This was to be built as a wall with the 80 mile castles9 with turrets positioned between them, for look out posts and signal stations, and protected by a ditch.

The project was probably built with up to 15 miles under construction at any time. The work was divided into five mile sections one for each legion working on the wall. Work was started by part of the legion laying out the foundations, then the building of the mile castles then the turrets and the wall was built in the spaces between.

It is interesting to note that the mile castles and turrets were built with short sections of the wall extending from either side. This made the addition of the later filling sections of the wall easier. When the wall between the mile castles and turrets was complete the legion moved to the end of the wall and started the next section.

It was not simply a wall it had many elements.

The Forts

The original plan for the wall did not include the forts, they forts were a result of a major re planning during the administration of governor Aulus Platorius Nepos. Construction of the forts began about five years after the start of the wall, explaining the many examples of forts that were cut into fabric of the wall. There were 17 forts10, built to hold between 14,000 and 17,500 men, there were no men of the legions on the actual wall as this duty was given to auxiliary forces.

Mile Castles

Between each fort there were small gates in the wall, these were in towers or small guard posts called mile castles11. The gates were only used for a short period and many were found to be blocked.


Between the mile castles were towers or turrets12 there were two on each stretch of wall between mile castles. All forts, mile castles and turrets were built on the south side of the wall (the front on the wall but the bulk of the construction extending to the southern side of the wall), the only forts extending to the northern side of the wall were cavalry forts examples of these were Halton Chesters and Chesters.

The Wall

The Romans started building the wall around 122 AD. Two distinct methods of construction were employed. When the wall was started from Wallsend to Castlesteads it was constructed in limestone blocks with a concrete and rubble core. However, when construction reached the area around the River Irthing near Gilsand Cumbria (near Castlesteads) in 126 AD, the construction method was altered: as construction of the wall continued to the east it was built in turf and timber with stone reinforcements13. This may have been due to the cost of the project or even the need for rapid completion of the western section due to the threat of raids from the north. There was less easily available limestone at the western end, and this was the most likley reason for the change. The western section was rebuilt in stone within ten years.

Throughout its length the front of the wall was protected with a deep ditch and a bank. When completed the wall was on average 5 metres high and 2.023 meters wide.

Banks and Ditches

Another bank14 and ditch15 called the vallum, was constructed south of the wall to provide protection if the wall was breached, it was a formidable defensive fortification.

Although there was a considerable civilian population in the area it must be remembered the area was an active military zone in a state of constant readiness. The wall was served by a network of supply roads, from the west the road from the port of Ravenglass (Glannoventa). From the major junction at Catterick (Cataractonium) supplies transported on Ermine Street could be sent to the western end via Carlisle or on Dere Street via Corbridge and Halton Chesters. Supplies could be transported to the eastern end of the wall via York and Chester le Street on the Wrekendike to South Shields (Arbeia), the fort on the southern bank of the river Tyne. Or to the fort at Newcastle upon Tyne (Pons Aelius) on the northern bank.

The wall was attacked in 180 AD, and again during 196 to 197 AD, after this period of 20 years the attacks ceased and the area enjoyed peace for the next 100 years. Ultimately the wall failed in its purpose as it was imposable for the Romans to keep it manned. But all the while it was garrisoned it proved a successful barrier.

In the years since the Romans abandoned the wall it has been used by generations of builders as a quarry, so the wall looks less formidable than it once was. But if you look around you while you travel you will find many buildings, from houses to abbeys constructed from recycled Roman stone, just look the wall is all around you.

The Settlements

The settlements that developed around the forts were initially the result of the following.

  • To supply the wall and the troops stationed there.
  • Trade with the local population and administration of the local area.
  • The recreation and social well being of the troops and the local people. Many of the men stationed on the wall were from the other side of the empire. Only a small percentage would ever see their homes again, so a new life would be made in the area with wives and families. Upon retirement the men left the army and were given a grant of land in the area, this helped to Romanise the local population and increase political stability. These men also provided a ready supply of reserve forces in times of trouble.

The Legions and Auxiliaries

Although the legions built the wall they did not man it. They were the cream of the army and were too good for this duty. They were stationed at locations south of the wall and within easy reach of potential trouble spots.

  • Caerleon (Isca) was the home of Legion II - The Augusta. A Capricorn was the battle standard.
  • York (Eburacum) was the home of Legion VI - The Victrix. A Bull was the battle standard.
  • Chester (Deva) was the home of Legion XX - The Valeria Victrix. A Celtic Boar was the battle standard

There was another Legion stationed in Britain that took no part in the building of the wall held in reserve to provide security in the south east.

  • Mancetter (Mandvessedum) was the home of Legion XIV - The Gemina Martia Victrix. A Capricorn was the battle standard.

Auxiliary units varied in strength from 500 to 1000 men, although most of the units were infantry the specialist units of the Roman army such as cavalry and archers were usually auxiliary units. The auxiliaries were regarded as inferior to the Legions as even though they were often commanded by Roman officers the men that were recruited were not Roman citizens.

The auxiliaries equipment differed they tended to have lighter armour, chain mail was the most common, units that carried a shield, had an oval one rather then the oblong shield carried by the legionary.

It was the duty of the auxiliaries to man the wall, they garrisoned the 3 Stanwick forts, the 17 forts on the wall, and in the mile castles and the turrets. They also controlled the border crossings and manned the defences to the west of Bowness (Mais) on the coast. In the event of trouble the auxiliary commander would call for support from the Legions stationed to the south.

Approximate Distribution of Units On The Wall

  • Legions - 4
  • Auxiliary Foot Units - 30
  • Auxiliary Cavalry Units - 8
  • Specialised Auxiliary Units - 6
  • Auxiliary Navy Units - 1

The garrison of the wall its forts, the Stanegate road forts together with the forts north of the wall was probably grater than 12,000 men, in more peaceful times the number seems have been reduced to around 10,000.

The details are from Roman records and surviving inscriptions and is likely to be incomplete. As a reward for service all auxiliaries were awarded Roman citizenship after 25 years in the ranks.

The Start of The Journey

The journey is from west to east and the forts on the wall are numbered from 1 to 16. For clarity the forts on the Stanegate road Carlisle, Carvoian, Chesterholm and Corbridge are therefore not numbered.

The condition of the towns and forts today.

1 = No longer visible. Or built over.

2 = Building platforms, mounds and crop marks.

3 = Some ruins are visible above ground.

4 = Visible site with museum support.

5 = A major site and tourist attraction.

Wall Fort 1. Bowness

Roman name: Mais
Translation: 'Large Fort'

Condition: 2

A Hadrian's Wall Fort thought to be one of the largest (estimated size 30,320 sq meters) and constructed close to the shore. The settlement that developed to the south of the town was small but has evidence of some prosperity as sculpture and evidence of trade has been found . The fort and settlement were likely to have been part of the western end of the supply route, with access by land and sea. From the Mais fort the coastal defences continue west along the coast for over 20 miles.

Total so far 0 miles.

  • Hadrian's Wall to Drumburgh (Concavata) 3 miles.

Wall Fort 2. Drumburgh

Roman name: Coggabata
Condition: 1

Added after this section of the wall was built, and also known as Coggabata, this was a small fort on Hadrian's that held a garrison of up to 800 foot soldiers. Little is known of the fort apart from the location.

Total so far 3 miles.

  • Hadrian's Wall to Burgh by Sands (Aballava) 4 miles.

Wall Fort 3. Burgh by Sands

Roman name: Aballava
Translation: 'Orchards'

Condition: 1

This fort on Hadrian's Wall was built to defend an important river crossing the fords of the Solway (The fort has left little as it has been covered by the town). The Settlement has suffered a similar fate but it is thought it was of timber-framed and stone housing and no municipal buildings.

Total so far 7 miles.

  • Hadrian's Wall to Stanwix (Vxelodunum) 5 miles.

Wall Fort 4. Stanwix

Roman name: Vxelodunum
Translation: 'River Fort'

Condition: 1

Also known as Petriana a fort on Hadrian's Wall (estimated size 32,420 sq meters) built by Legion XX The Valeria Victrix Fort and Settlement. This was the largest fort on the wall, and placed at the point where course of the wall moved from the north bank of the River Eden to the southern bank. It appears that Stanwix was built on a ridge of high ground clear of the northern edge of the flood plain to defend the of the wall north of the river. The fort also was positioned to defend the end of River Eden bridge supported by Carlisle in guarding the southern end16.

As one of the three major crossing points of the wall, the road continued north to Neatherby (Castra Exploratorum) with access to the west coast. This meant settlement was a focus for trade and became prosperous, with paved streets, timber-framed and stone housing and some municipal buildings, trade buildings and warehouses.

Total so far 12 miles.

  • Hadrian's Wall to Castlesteads (Camboglanna) 8 miles.
  • On Local Roads North to Neatherby (Castra Exploratorum) 1217 miles.

Stanegate Fort Carlisle

Roman name: Luguvalium
Translation: 'Luguvalos Town'

Condition: 1

Carlisle was built as a fort on the Stanegate road, this was a fort placed to support Stanwix fort which was built at the point where course of the wall moved from the south bank of the River Eden to the northern bank.

There are three crossing points of the wall and Carlisle was well placed as a trading centre. Goods came up from the coast via the port of Ravenglass (Glannoventa). Other roads also entered the town, from York via Catterick connecting with Ermine Street, and the west coast road from Ribchester. The traffic meant trade would have been good, and the town prosperous with paved streets, stone housing, municipal buildings, trade buildings and warehouses.

The town was the access point for the western end of Stanegate Roman road, passing through Carvioan, Chesterholm and ending at Corbridge.

  • On Stanegate North to the wall at Stanwix 1 mile.
  • On Stanegate West to Burgh by Sands (Aballava) 6 miles.
  • On Local Roads South West to Carlisle (Maglna) 11 miles.
  • On Local Roads South East to Wreay 5 miles.

Wall Fort 5. Castlesteads

Roman name: Camboglanna18
Translation: 'Winding valley'

Condition: 3

Also known as Camboglanna a fort on Hadrian's Wall (estimated size 11,420 sq meters) the garrison was of both cavalry and foot units numbering approximately 1,2000. The settlement a vicus was located to the south of the fort. The settlement was of timber-framed housing and a few stone buildings, with some paved streets and a temple to the Mother Goddess. There is little of the settlement left to provide more information.

Total so far 20 miles.

  • Hadrian's Wall to Birdoswald (Banna) 8 miles.

Wall Fort 6. Birdoswald

Roman name: Banna
Translation: 'The Spur'

Condition: 4

Built in 112 AD, and overlooking the River Irthing Birdoswald (size 22,259 sq meters) started in is a major fort on Hadrian's Wall. The fort could hold up to 1000 soldiers and is typical of the shape has become known as the playing card type. With a gate in each of its walls, it was furnished with the standard military buildings a headquarters building, granaries and barracks, Birdoswald also had a basilica style training hall. The settlement a vicus19 developed around the walls of the fort and along the service roads.

It was at this point the original construction method of the changed from stone to turf and timber with stone reinforcements.

  • On Local Roads North to Bewcastle (Fanum Cocidi) 820 miles.
  • Total so far 28 miles.

    • Hadrian's Wall to Burgh by Chesters (Aescia) 7 miles.

    Stanegate Fort Carvoian

    Roman name: Magis
    Translation: 'Place of Stone'

    Condition: 2

    A Stanegate Fort (size 34,859 sq meters) founded in 92 AD, and predates the building of the wall by approximately 41 years. This is the point where the central Roman road the Maiden Way joins the wall. After the building of Hadrian’s wall the settlement developed further, there was a large Imperial official residence built thought to have been imperial21 occupation. A development programme was started in the settlement, quality housing a forum with courtyard and store houses were erected together with a workshops, Temples were built then several granaries, and a trading centre. The settlement was awarded the status of citivas and was possibly the tribal capital of the Textoverdi tribe, and at least two bath houses were found within the town.

    • On Stanegate East to Great Chesters (Aescia) 7 miles.
    • On Stanegate West to Nether Denton 4 miles.
    • On the Maiden Way South to Whitley Castle (Epiacum) 10 miles.

    Wall Fort 7. Great Chesters

    Roman name: Aescia
    Translation: ''

    Condition: 2

    This was a Hadrian's Wall Fort (size 12,179 sq meters) and vicus or settlement on the south western side of the fort. this was the only fort on the wall with direct access to the Staingate supply road. This meant settlement was a local centre for trade, with timber-framed and stone housing and some municipal buildings, trade buildings, paved streets and warehouses.

    Total so far 35 miles.

    • Hadrian's Wall to Housesteads (Vercovicium) 5 miles.

    Stanegate Fort Chesterholm

    Roman name: Vindolanda
    Translation: 'White Fields'

    Condition: 5

    A Stanegate Road fort (size 40,468 sq meters) the original fort was built in timber reinforced with earthen ramparts and originally part of the 85 AD, frontier. Vindolanda was built by the troops assigned to the fort and was garrisoned by a mixed force of foot and cavalry of between 800 to 1100 men. During the building of the wall Vindolanda was rebuilt in stone and when completed had a headquarters building together with wooden barracks and military workshops. There are written records from the fort that show examples of the organization and daily routine.

    The population of the settlement consisted of wives and families of the men along with those making a living serving the fort. The small town also containing a mansio bathhouse, hospital and temple was built
    to the west of the fort access road to Vercovicium and the wall.

    • On Local Roads North East to Housesteads (Vercovicium) 4 miles.
    • On Stanegate West to Carvoran (Magnis) 8 miles.
    • On Stanegate North East to Chesters (Cilvrnum) 11 miles.

    Wall Fort 8. Housesteads

    Roman name: Vercovicium
    Translation: 'The Hilly Land'

    Condition: 4

    Hadrian's Wall Fort (size 21,181 sq meters) with a gate set in each of the four walls. Initially an infantry fort would have held up to 1,000 men. The fort and Settlement were situated close to the Stanegate supply road and was connected to it by road. The town was built on the side of a hill, and there were shops, inns and a range of municipal buildings and a mansio with a bathhouse, a prosperous settlement with timber-framed and stone housing. There were more than ten Deities worshiped in the town the most popular being Jupiter. There was an unusual round temple in the settlement possibly dedicated to the Goddesses Alaisiagae.

    Total so far 40 miles.

    • Hadrian's Wall to Carrawburgh (Brocoliia) 5 miles.

    Wall Fort 9. Carrawburgh

    Roman name: Brocolitia
    Translation: 'The Badger Diggings'

    Condition: 2

    Hadrian's Wall Fort (estimated size 10,820 sq meters) with a fine legionary bath house built out side the fort on the western side. The fort was garrisoned by auxiliary infantry units from Germany and Gaul.

    The settlement was built to the south west of the fort with a variety of well built housing, a granary and storehouses together with several temples one was a place of worship for the followers of the God Mithras known as a mithraem. To the south of the fort there was also a nymphaeum a home of local Nymph or Goddess, this one was dedicated to the Goddess of wells and springs Coventina. Of the ten inscriptions to Coventina in the settlement this is the one of the best preserved;




    I BAT L M

    To Coventina Goddess

    Titus D Cosconia The First Batavian Cohort Prefect

    freely gives this dedication stone

    Total so far 45 miles.

    • Hadrian's Wall to Chesters (Cilurnum) 4 miles.

    Wall Fort 10. Chesters

    Roman name: Cilurnum
    Translation: 'A Cauldron'

    Condition: 4

    A Hadrian's Wall cavalry Fort (size, 13,796 sq meters) built across the line of the wall. A Cavalry regiment Ala Milliariae, commanded by a Praefecti Alae, and divided into thirty two units alae this was divided into sixteen turmaeach commanded by a Decurion it was approximately the same strength as a legion 1,000 men. The name of the first cavalry regiment stationed at the fort was the ala Augusta ob virtutem appellata awarded the name Augusta for valor in action. The fort guarded a bridge north of the wall, built over the North Tyne River, it was a timber bridge built on three stone piers with an original span of 53 meters. The mile castles to the east and western side of Cilurnum fort had direct road access to the bridge.

    The Settlement was built either side of the southern road that led into the fort. There was a variety of well built housing and a market there was also a bath house and a small temple. There were granaries and store houses in the settlement.

    Total so far 49 miles.

    • Hadrian's Wall to Halton Chesters (Onnum) 6 miles.

    Wall Fort 11. Helton Chesters

    Roman name: Onnum
    Translation: 'A Rock'

    Condition: 2

    Hadrian's Wall Fort (size, 20,903 sq meters with an extension in the south west corner of 37500 sq meters) originally built by the Legion VI the Victrix. This fort was built across the wall and extended to the walls northern and southern sides with garrison of mainly infantry with cavalry support. The settlement on the southern side of the wall included well built housing and a market, there was also a bath house and temple. The settlement and fort had access to Dere Street Roman road with access to the granary and store houses in the settlement. The gods of Onnum included Fortuna and the spirit of the Emperors.

    Total so far 55 miles.

    • Hadrian's Wall to Burgh by Rudchester (Vindobala) 7 miles.

    Stanegate Fort Corbridge

    Roman name: Corstopitum
    Translation: 'Noisy valley'

    Condition: 4

    A Stanegate Fort founded in 79 AD, and predates the building of the wall by approximately 43 years. the original garrison was probably a unit of 500 cavalry with a command headquarters, granaries, barracks and workshops. After the construction of the wall the fort was garrisoned by infantry units in support of the wall. The fort and settlement were at the important junction of Stanegate and Dere Street, the town that developed served a large garrison that occupied the original fort and later the troops on the wall.
    After the building of Hadrian’s wall the settlement developed further, the original defensive walls were removed and a development programme was started. A forum with courtyard complex and store houses were erected together with a workshops. Temples were built then several granaries and there was an aqueduct, and a trading centre for the trade in iron, lead and coal mines nearby. An official residence for an Imperial official has been found within the town.

    • On Dere Street North to Halton Chesters (Onnum) 3 miles.
    • On Dere Street South East to Ebchester (Vindomora) 10 miles.
    • On Stanegate: West to Chesters (Cilvernum) 7 miles.
    • On Stanegate: South East to Washing Wells 14 miles.

    Wall Fort 12. Burgh by Rudchester

    Roman name: Vindobala
    Translation: 'The White Fort'

    Condition: 2

    Hadrian's Wall Fort (size, 13,006 sq meters) possibly built by the Legion II the Augusta. This fort was built across the wall and extended to the walls northern and southern sides, this was a fort where a garrison of around 600 men were stationed, mainly infantry with cavalry support. The settlement was on the southern side of the wall, it had a variety of well built housing and a market there was also a bath house temple. The gods of Vindobala included Apollo, Anicetus and Mithras.

    Total so far 62 miles.

    • Hadrian's Wall to Benwell (Condercum) 7 miles.

    Wall Fort 13. Benwell Hill

    Roman name: Condercum
    Translation: 'The Good Vista'

    Condition: 1

    Hadrian's Wall Fort (size, 8,361 sq meters) and built by the Legion II the Augusta. The fort is built across the wall extended to both the northern and southern sides, this indicates this was a fort where cavalry were stationed. The settlement was on the southern side of the wall, it had a variety of well built housing and a market there was also a bath house with a water tank and filter system and a temple. There was also a granary and store houses in the settlement.

    Total so far 69 miles.

    • Hadrian's Wall to Newcastle upon Tyne (Pons Aelius) 2 miles.

    Wall Fort 14. Newcastle upon Tyne

    Roman name: Pons Aelius
    Translation: 'Bridge of Hadrian'

    Condition: 1

    Hadrian's Wall Fort (estimated size 11,000 sq meters) and crossing of the River Tyne, a fine timber bridge supported on ten stone piers. This the Wrekendike Roman road access point to the wall. The population of Pons Aelius at this period was estimated at 2,000. Situated at a major crossing of the river meant trade would have been good so the town was prosperous with municipal buildings, trade buildings and warehouses, with good housing and paved streets, there were alters to the gods Neptune, Silvanus and Jupiter.

    Total so far 71 miles.

    • Hadrian's Wall to Wallsend (Segdeunum) 3 miles.

    Wall Fort 15. Wallsend

    Roman name: Segedunum
    Translation: 'Strong Fort'

    Condition: 4

    Hadrian's Wall Fort (size, 16,581 sq meters) built by II Legion The Augusta it contained a granary ten barrack blocks a hospital and administration buildings. A fort with a mixed garrison of infantry and cavalry placed to hold the eastern end of the wall, and guarding a port built inside the wall. The Settlement was situated at the south eastern end of Hadrian's Wall. With a bathhouse and some good stone and timber housing, there was a busy trade area with warehousing built to serve the towns port.

    Total so far 74 miles.

    • Hadrian's Wall to South Shields (Arbeia) 9 miles.

    Wall Fort 16. South Shields

    Roman name: Arbeia
    Translation: 'The Arabs'

    Condition: 4

    Hadrian's Wall Fort (size, 18,431 sq meters) the original garrison was a Spanish cavalry unit Ala Milliariae a units of 1,000 in total, this garrison was thought to have been replaced by other cavalry units (again 1,000 in total), mainly from the eastern Mediterranean Jordan or Syria. This fort was also a supply and storage facility, there is reference to it being a fleet granary. The Roman fleet in British waters was the Classis Britannia and Arbeia may have been a fleet anchorage. The settlement on the southern side of the fort, it had a variety of good housing, a market and a bath house, there was a temple and alter to the god Aesculapius. The town was served by a small port giving access to trade. The fort and settlement was also where the Wrekendike Roman road had a point of access to the wall.

    The eastern end of Hadrian's Wall. total on the Wall 83 miles.

    Town Status

    A vicus an informal town development round a military installation.

    A civitates similar to the vicus a small planned laid out as official towns.

    A coloniae similar to the civitates but consisting of a high population of retired Legionaries, planned and laid out as official towns.

    A municipia formal towns or cities often tribal capitals. Often created from native towns to serve as political centres.

    The Forts And Camps North Of The Wall

    There were several important forts and strong points established by the Roman army that were in the area north of the wall22. These fall into three categories those built prior to the wall during the initial period of invasion such as;

    • Birrens Blatobulgium 81 AD.

    There were those that were built during the construction period of the wall;

    • Neatherby Castra Exploratorum 120 AD.
    • Bewcastle Fanum Cocidi 120 AD.

    And the last group were those that were built after the construction period of the wall;

    • Risingham Habitancum 205 AD.
    • Learchild Alavna 204 AD.
    • High Rochester Bremenium 216 AD.

    This last group may have been part of a system of rebuilding that coincided with the construction of the Antonine Wall.

    Accessed by road from Halton Chesters Fort Onnum (11).

    The north eastern road Dere Street to

    • Risingham Habitancum 14 miles.
    • High Rochester Bremenium 25 miles.
    • Chew Green 33 miles.

    The northern road The Devils Causeway to

    • Learchild Alavna 32 miles.

    Accessed by road from Birdoswald Fort Camboglanna (6).

    A north eastern local road to

    • Bewcastle Fanum Cocidi 7 miles.

    Accessed by road from Stanwix Fort Vxelodunum (4).

    The northern local road to

    • Neatherby Castra Exploratorum 8 miles.

    A north western spur leads off to

    • Birrens Blatobulgium 10 miles.

    Hadrians Wall World Heritage Site

    Today Hadrians wall is a peaceful place and nearly all 74 miles run through the most beautiful country side, this combined with the fact that there is plenty of the wall left to see make the area a great place to visit. If you are visiting then the The Hadrians Wall Country visit planner will be very useful to you.
    This not only covers the 75 miles of the wall but the western costal defences, some of the forts north of the wall over a length of 150 miles. This is the best resource to explore the wall and it will lead you to many discoveries on the way.

    Because of the sheer size of the wall it would take many weeks to see it all and a lifetime to get to know it. There are places that are worth visiting and make a fantastic day out.

    In Vindolanda you will find everything you need for a brilliant family day out, there is something there for everyone.

    Housesteads and
    Birdoswald are well worth a visit for those with a particular interest in the period they have shops, restaurants and good museums, but younger children might not be as entertained.

    Chesters and Corbridge are very well preserved and should be visited as there are some very impressive ruins to see.

    In the urban setting, Wallsend and South Shields are of great interest. And the site at South Shields has a marvellous reconstruction of a gatehouse the site is worth the trip to see this feature alone.

    Visit the area if you can and discover for yourself the mystery and the magic of the wall, and help take care of the monument by treating it with respect. Remember sections of the wall pass through areas of private land it is often possible to gain access once you get permission.

    1The Romans measured the wall at 80 miles, the roman mile was 1000 yards and shorter than a standard modern mile.2The evidence is from an inscription on a bowl known as the Staffordshire Moorlands Patera3The Solway Firth is located on the modern border of England and Scotland.4And local sandstone was used.5There is also a Pons Aelius in Rome over the River Tiber.6The Rivers Rhine and Danube formed a very convenient barrier, allowing the Romans the relatively simple task of fortifying their side.7The rivers Tyne and Solway8In Latin limes meant road, path, or border.9Hence the original provision of gates may of which were later walled up.10 from 1.21 hectare to 2.22 hectares in size11There were 80 in all about 20 meters square and on average 8 meters high, and designed for a garrison of 50 men. There were two in each stretch of the wall between each fort, and about a mile apart (hence the name).12 There were around 156 turrets in all, there were about 6 meters square and on average 8 meters high, and held a garrison of 12 men.13And local sandstone was used.14The width was 6 meters and 2 meters in height.15The width was 6 meters and 3 meters in depth.16Both Stanwix and Carlisle forts have been built over, and the course of the wall has been lost at this point.17Castra Exploratorum was 12 miles to the north of Hadrian's Wall.18Camboglanna there is some confusion regarding the location of this fort it could be either Castlesteads or Birdoswald the evidence is inconclusive. The latin names indicate Camboglanna the winding valley fits Castlesteads better than the name Banna, the spur which is better suited to Birdoswald located on a ridge overlooking the River Irthing.19An unplanned settlement and not to be confused with the civitates a planned settlement.20Castra Exploratorum was 8 miles to the north of Hadrian's Wall.21Possibly built on the orders of Hadrian as the building is thought to date from the time the wall was commenced.22They were built at various times, some were established before the wall was built, these were maintained to support operations north of the wall

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