Talking Point: Cars

18 Conversations

Car headlights.

This week's Talking Point is for all of you rev-heads out there, because we're opening up the floor to a debate about the joys of the internal combustion engine! Yes, cars in all of their forms, from the top Formula 1 vehicles through to decrepit old bangers. We want your views and opinions about the very best that four wheels can offer.

In a world where oil prices continue to rocket ever-upwards, is the future of the car secure? Will we have to look for alternative forms of personal transport in the future - or is the car just too entrenched in modern society to ever be supplanted?

Do you do anything unusual in your car (stop sniggering at the back!)? Do you have any unusual car-related hobbies? Do you have any any favourite journeys that simply can't be enjoyed any other way than by car?

  • Why do people have such a love affair with cars?

  • What are their disadvantages?

  • Do you have a burning passion for the VW Beetle or the Rolls Royce?

  • Have you given up your car for a greener alternative?

  • What's the very best designed car ever to grace the roads?

Join in now and give us your views. The best contributions to this topic may be used for a future Edited Entry.

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