A Conversation for Cats And Dogs: Part I

cats and dogs....

Post 1


thanks for the laughs, your Cats'N'Dogs entries
are the funniest things Ive found so far
in h2g2.....
just a quick word of warning to anyone else tempted to
follow advice in Lessons for Dogs, Life Lessons....I followed lesson 1, 3 ,& 6,
to the letter 1 in the pub, 3 in the park & 6 on the top deck of a no54 bus.
Somehow my intentions were misunderstood, & I suffered numerous pyhsical injuries,& upon release from
hospital was arrested & now await trial at the local magistrates court!!
Despite these problems, Im still grinning, it only hurts when I laugh....LOL.... Ouch!..

cats and dogs....

Post 2


The Cats And Dogs entries refered
to above can be found in h2g2's
So Long And Thanks For Laughing,
jokes page....Ive just discovered
it & so far Ive found it to contain VERY
VERY FUNNY entries, the ones Ive
checked out so far have been edited
by VENUS IN A FLYTRAP, I presume
other contributors are also very good,
but can vouch for VENUSES entries...smiley - smiley

cats and dogs....

Post 3


I'll pass your prasie on to Venus.
Thanks for stopping by smiley - winkeye


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