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To my great surprise, the last two weeks have passed quite quickly. But then maybe that's just another sign of my deteriorating memory? I had noticed a decrease in memory, but so far, it had only been minor things I forgot. And then - BANG! - major disaster on Wednesday night - my sister and family (five persons in total) suddenly stood in my living room, to spend the night here before continuing their way to their holiday destination. She had told me about this when I visited her four weeks previously, but my memory had failed me completely. Result: no food in the house, no bedding prepared, no hoovering done - nothing. I had spent the day in bed, nursing my cystitis with the help of various liquids, tablets and a hot water bottle. Apart from the visit being very inconvenient in this situation (now having to share the loo with eight other people), it was most embarrassing that I had forgotten the appointment!

In addition to that, I had suggested Saturday, 18 August for our German Mini Meet in Cologne and now had to opt out again because my sister will spend another night here on their way back from their holidays on that very weekend. Ok, that meet is well underway now, with nothing much being planned other than that we'll meet at Cologne Hauptbahnhof on Saturday, 25 August at about 11.00am. Btw, are you subscribed to the Forthcoming h2g2 Community Events page? You really should be. This is where upcoming meets are being announced. Plan a meet and post the 'What-Where-When-Who' there, and our lovely Antelia will include it on the page as soon as possible.

Well, I had intended to finish this a bit earlier this time, and not the very last minute - but first my sister came, and then I had forgotten that my husband is the god over our internet connection. Apparently something called 'Ping' was very high when he played his online game, so he decided to switch off the modem. As usual, he didn't give me any warning, which meant that from one second to the other my internet connection was gone. I lost everything I had written but not yet saved. I switched the modem back on and briefly managed to get the connection back, but whatever my husband did then, it very effectivly cut me off the internet for the rest of last night.

What do you mean: my Internet problems aren't of interest to you? Ok then, let's see what else is new on hootoo: Matt incited The 'Invite the Italic(s) to Tea' Movement. So far, some 30 people have signed up. Our lovely and honourable hootoo president Hypatia will host the show on the lawn of Alabaster House. Failing good weather, the tea party will be held in the Alabaster House main banquet hall. Wherever on the globe you are, sign up for, and take part in the social event of the hootoo year!

Our intrepid Post Reporter Skankyrich will be the editor of this 'ere edition, due to our fantastic editor echomikeromeo being incredibly busy with RL stuff like Summer Latin classes, getting her university applications sorted etc. When talking about this with Skankyrich, I was really surprised to get to know what exactly is involved in getting The Post up and running. To let you share this eye-opener, here is what Rich said to me:

I was allowed a sabbatical over the summer, which left EMR to do virtually everything. The idea is that everyone does a section of the Post editing-wise, which involves editing the submissions, creating an A-space and updating the archive. Doing one or two sections is fairly easy, but EMR has been doing the lot. She's also had to do all the top-level stuff; uploading the cartoons, liaising with contributors and the Eds, checking all the editing and putting together the front page. I don't know how she's coped, to be honest.

And that doesn't even mention the writing of the editorials. So here's a pat on the back and a great Thank you for all those who make The Post possible through their hard (and probably usually unacknowledged) work behind the scenes! I'll be back in the next edition of the Post, with a report of our German Meet and maybe even some photos.

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