A Conversation for Party!!!!

It's about time we stopped snacking

Post 81


oh yeah... me minds a blank dis mornin,
dont worry about sending me files...I just want this one song by lauryn hill...

It's about time we stopped snacking

Post 82

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Sorry! I haven't got anything by Lauren Hill and I'm not really a fan, but I like that song that goes "I love you baby and if that's quite all right I need you baby....." it was one of the songs in 10 Things I Hate About You that Patrick Verona sings to Kat when she's on the footie pitch (remember?)

It's about time we stopped snacking

Post 83


i remember... doo wop is the one i want though.
Oh and i wanna get me hands on that song ....dont know who its by or what its calledbut i love it..

do you remember back in year 7/8 when a drama group came in to talk to us about sex ed and there was a party in the drama thing and they played the song in the background....dats the one

It's about time we stopped snacking

Post 84

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I know what you're talking about but no, I don't remember the song I'm afraid.

This Is the Bigger Location remember1

Post 85



This Is the Bigger Location remember1

Post 86

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Ally! I can't believe that Skandal coincedence!

This Is the Bigger Location remember1

Post 87

Mike A (snowblind)

Downloading songs...I tried getting Slipknot stuff off http://www.slipknot1.com which is their official site. The only one I got was Spit It Out, which I already have as a B-side of the Wait & Bleed single. And this B-side is speeded up and sounds much cooler.

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