A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eleven - "Euro 2004"

Fantasy Football - Euro 2004 - ROUND 2 - Results

Post 61


Thank you riotact, I really do appreciate that. Thanks smiley - smiley

And no, there aren't any bonus points for that. But on the other hand sucking up to the management around here does tend to pay dividends if it comes to dispute resolution. A thing Master B would be well minded to remember in future...

Fantasy Football - Euro 2004 - ROUND 2 - Results

Post 62


I seem to have shot myself in the foot there... smiley - biggrin

Oh well, as long as truth and justice are the winner smiley - winkeye

I think I would make lots more mistakes than you do if I was doing this, so I shall certainly not be pointing any fingers.


Fantasy Football - Euro 2004 - ROUND 2 - Results

Post 63

Mu Beta

"A thing Master B would be well minded to remember in future..."

Oh, get stuffed, you tubby, lager-swilling git. smiley - winkeye


Fantasy Football - Euro 2004 - ROUND 2 - Results

Post 64


smiley - nahnah

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Fantasy Football - Euro 2004 - ROUND 2 - Results

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