A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Guild Hall

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 321


*Kraken Jabs a broom to push the one out the window off of its purchase on the wall*

You can hear it screech a little as it falls and is not readily able to get up from down below.

"Now, you!"
*Faces the other one and does an abrupt elbow to shove it to the side while it is wobbling unsteadily from the blast like a drunk person walking*

"Preserve your strength my goodsir. That is of the utmost importance right now."

*The soul-eater bites KrakenII*

*He can't let something as trifling as that get in the way though and as his neck bleeds a little bit he stumbles over and puts the final few symbols down right in front of where Lycan's form is sitting.*

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 322


*Lycan's feet regains their strength, he grasps at his staff which coils with his thoughts and intents*

*the staff coils tightly around the soul eaters throat*

I said let him be, I shall not stand for this insolence

*the coils tighten as the soul eater struggles*

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 323


[KrakenII]: "It worked. Those more than hundred years ago, when my father had sown me it... and I was... scarcely an impling, just about."
*He places both his hands on the floor and then tries to regain his composure even though his nose is still dripping blood occasionally*

*He looks up, which seems to staunch the neckbleeding a little bit from the angle of the bite*

"It behaves as a snake?"

... *pinches his neck wound shut carefully*

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 324


*Cleans his nose*

"...Had shown me."

*Bends his knees crouching over*

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 325


*the staff uncoils and runs up Lycan's arm*

Yes it behaves like a snake, it is the most of my soul I have ever imbued in a weapon

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 326


[KrakenII]: "Oh. That intrigues me. I don't know if I have a soul; Maybe I am a soul,- just cursed and with a physical form. It worked. Those symbols wash off you know. Don't need those anymore now that it's over with."

*Kraken bows with one arm in front of him and the other behind after finding and resheathing his cutlass*

"My name Sir is Kraken the Second De Unagi, and you are?"

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 327


Lycan Wolsey Lord High Caretaker of the guild and husband of Alicia Brmyn

A pleasure to meet you the guild is always looking for those with talents especially with the over looming threat of an attack, the dark alliance has been quiet for too long

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 328


*Kraken takes off his hat in a single fluid movement as he stands again from the bow ...revealing a pair of horns that poke up out from his hair*

"You could say I have firsthand experience in mainly the subject of imps and demons but with a slightly lesser bit also concentrated in demonic curses."

*He grins and does a bit of a wink, but whether this is to emphasize his teeth consciously or not is hard to discern*

Some are pointy and he does have fangs. They are of a different sort than those found on a vampire or wolf though. The curve and the angle of them aren't right for that.

"I've already met your wife;a very charming and knowledgeable woman is how she'd struck me. People misunderstand necromancy. Well, but look at who it is coming from that's saying that, eh?"

*He breaks into a short hearty laugh at this point before continuing*

"Er... back to the matter of that, I was talking to her in the necropolis before running into you. In the course of that, this had been mentioned: It would seem that although she had means of bringing you back more than likely, that she did not want to for fear of or hoping not to bring you back if you did not wish to return yet. I suppose you mage and wizard people, sorcerors, sometimes will go on personal journeys outside of the normal er,- 'physical' means in terms of mode of travel?"

*Here he grins*

"This far inland there are many things that I am still new to, who knows what surprises may remain."

(Smugly) : "For several decades I was normally a seafarer. You know, a rogue, a scaliwag, a privateer - in short a pirate. Well, when the Dark alliance went and took it upon itself to dredge the sea to make a point about where it felt about smuggling (done mainly to protest high tariffs I'd wager), then I had to adopt a different profession and so, I suppose you could say I opted to do what else it seemed came naturally. Eh- heh heh. Ha."

*Puts his hat back on*

"Oh, and also thank you for saving my life. Those two soul-eaters must have smelt all the astral-soul activity going on before we could finish getting that aura barrier up; they had caught me off guard."

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 329


WEll I too know what it is like to be shunned from society

Well from human society...
I spent many a day as a wolf rather than human

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 330


[Kraken II]: "Lycanthropy, right? Once there was a long naval war in one of the places far from here. In the midst of it I found myself raiding the port towns along the coasts of a particular territory. The count in charge of it was one as well. I know that not all werewolves are like that though. Nor all nobles."

*He tries to nod understandingly as he talks*

Kraken is clad in boots and has a particular gait and he's got his hands behind him as he speaks while walking back and forth. He isn't tense though.

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 331


yes lycanthropy no very few are nobles and I am the first in my family to have the title of Lord, my family never had a farthing to their name never mind a Lordship which is why there are others even here in Imardin that hold the belief that because of my birth I should not hold such a position

It only forces you to be stronger to carry on in this world *tenses his muscles just thinking about it*

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 332


[KrakenII]: "My father could change his shape between more human and more demonic, I've been stuck mostly human, but that's alright. Demonslayers... Aieegh."

*Shakes his head a little*

"I don't mind when they go after the particularly malevolent ones, but... oh, I don't know. Every once in a while, a blue moon I suppose, when there would be an overzealous one. A scar on my chest bears witness to it. Nothing like a driven person going for a misguided cause." *He scowls a bit then speaking more firmly* "Almost Nothing."

*The edges of his mouth turn into a smile*

"I think a title earned through prowess speaks more than one earned by birth. Perhaps that is more of my outlandish past shining through."

*He coughs a bit almost blushing.*

"Lord Wolsey, I had literally held a king ransom to pay for my son to go learn here. ... And now I am trying to become a teacher. Hmm, sometimes fate is odd."

*He takes off his nice gloves that are now a little bloodstained from the injury received earlier and tucks them under an arm*

"...Wouldn't you say?"

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 333


Yes yes I would

oh and a word of advice stay away from Wolf and his family *growls* nothing but trouble would come if you bumped into them

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 334


[KrakenII]: "Thankyou Lord...erm, Lycan or do you prefer to be called Wolsey? I used to rout some of the malevolent ones myself. I don't eat humans anymore though... except... perhaps... if it was a particualrly bad human... perhaps I've indulged in that maybe once... or twice... within the past twenty to 50 years, at some point or other. Demons can have pretty decent longevity,- if we do manage to survive long enough. That's sort of a bit like lobsters, is it not?"

*He laughs a bit before his face again becoming serious*

"Wolf, and his kin, to be avoided... 'less I could find a way to get these horns to go away, maybe... but even then, could probably smell it off me fairly easily; my son is a halfing, it's not quite as obvious on him. An elf might say it is, out of vanity perhaps."

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 335


"When I am a teacher though, I will have to be a bit less biased. I have been working on that bit for some time. Elves and demons do tend rather not to get along; I believe it's becuase all that time on their hands allows plenty of opportunity to crop up for squabbling."

*He shrugs*

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 336


Talking of time on your hands you mentioned animals and knowing something about them...

I have carved every animal I have ever seen or heard about

*walks over to the single large cupboard and opens all the doors revealing shelf after shelf of animals of all shapes and forms all carved by hand out of wood. There ware so many creatures and many of them have been extinct for millennia*

There was always a lot of time on my hands

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 337


[Kraken II]: *Is astounded a little bit in the tone of his voice* "Oah... ooh... wow. Oh, That's very impressive. Well, the number of them which I know pales in comparison of course, but perhaps there are a share or so differing which we can use to help fill in some of each other's gaps. Do you mind if I touch one? I promise not to curse it." *He points towards one of them.* "I like your renditioning of a land ogre there. Very imposing for something at that small a scale. Heh, mainly I just wrote about what I'd find and what some of my crewmates would help me to capture and study. It wasn't all just looting. I'd draw sketches to accompany my notes on a number of them." *He pauses scanning his eyes over the rows. There are some creatures that he recognizes and still others which he does not* "M'lord, there's one that I am familiar with. Isn't that a traditional representation of a karasu tengu? I had to learn the hardway not to listen to them for directions when lost in those mountains of their domain once. Tell me something, were your travelings... have they been extensive? Your knowledge of so many manner of critters seems diverse enough to suggest that. Um, if you would like, I was going to lend your wife a copy of my manuscript to go over, you know, to edit some of the parts that tie relating in to necromacy that are likely to be a bit off. I can offer you a copy as well, if you come to my office I can show you it. It has maps and charts and some of the trial ways of keying out the new kinds of imps and demons that I have discovered. I don't mean to sound too proud... but there are some live specimens too in addition to the few skeletons and sets of field drawings. I think that I would like to show the both of you many of those things; some I am still puzzled over and I could probably use some advice from persons of your and her specialties and caliber." : http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F1782722?thread=3524565

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 338


I have not had the pleasure to travel that much, most of these creatures I saw when my master and myself were in the direst need, something would always come running.

I served at each one of the outposts for some time and the spirits around those places guard them and are very willing to come and save those that live there from the darkness *growls* and I have even seen those creatures that serve and protect the darkness, they have some very ancient evil amongst them

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 339


[Kraken II]: "Yes, this is true. Oh? Well, you have surprised me again. Hmm. Um... I have never seen that one before, with the odd number of limbs and a thick almost sort of a hornplate rather than a shall for a sort of mask covering its face before. Yess, how there are a number of gradations between spiritual and etheral beasts and more 'physical' ones. Ah."

*Shuts one eye, but casually looks around a little more with the other one.*

"What's that?" he says pointing to one that looks to be some sort of a reptillian or amphibious animal that has three tails; two that are spiked and one that is not, in the middle.

"Oh, that you can summon. I'd forgotten about that. Would you like to see a box of imp crystals that I have in my office? Many of them still aren't used. You can pick from any of these that you want to choose, can't you? There sure are a lot of different kinds of them. And those are only the discovered ones."

*puts a hand behind his head and rubs it*

"Gee, and sometimes there are times when a completely new creature shows up. That's all a little beyond me. One of the theories to demons was that we were the coeffect of some spell during a cosmic struggle who knows how long ago. Apparently there may have been a lot of them. I'm not sure."

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 340


[Kraken II]: *Clears his throat adjusting a short scarf*
"Er, shell I had meant."

*Tucks the gloves into his sash*

"Er, Lord Lycan... if one of my kind ever goes against you and you throw holy water onto him, or her (or it, even), it will sting like salt over a wound. That staff of yours is really something. That sabre, my cutlass... it doesn't move around or anything like that, but it gets it's property from a hexed whetstone. You know, to give my opponents a little badluck."

*Kraken sweeps his hand in a broad gesture*

"I've probably done talked both human ears and wolf ears too off by now. I do apologize."

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