A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Guild Hall

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 261

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*gently rings the bell*

*smiles sweetly*

stand down all of you and thats an order!
I am still a high mage

he however is dead!
and needs to rest in peace!

I will fight you if i need to!

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 262


*the wolf whines in pain as she rings the bell*

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 263

Lash LeRue

*Still sitting on the chair, Cú stares back through bloodshot and bleary eyes*

Yes my Lady, you are a High Mage, yet isn't this situation more a matter for the High Council rather than any one mage.

*turns to Tom*

Go to the Healing Halls and find Lady Shaylar. Bring her here quickly.

*turns back*

Meanwhile I recomend we wait.

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 264

Lash LeRue

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 265

Tom tamer of the lion

ok master, I will be as quick as I can
*tom squezes past the branches that now take up the door and runs of to the Elementalists Training Area.*

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 266

Tom tamer of the lion


Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 267

Lash LeRue

~ yes, the more the merrier ~

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 268

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

*Backs down, but keeps a careful eye on proceedings.*

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 269

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


Ok I've been summoned by Lord Cu, what is the problem here

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 270


Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 271

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 272

Tom tamer of the lion

*tom walks in, and stands behinde his master.*
Im sorry I couldn't find Lord Thurin

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 273

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

*Notices Thcur*

So what's going on

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 274

Tom tamer of the lion

well when Lord Cu ,me and Lord Azinishi ka-Warumoto were out on this misson to kalso forrest Lord Lycan went into hiding, and fell into a deep trance, which later on killed him. Afther we came back we found the door to be locked and also felt that something bad was happening, so me and Lord Azinishi ka-Warumoto went up stairs to your room and crashed through the window.
*tom indcates to smashed window*
Lord Cu stayed here and turned the door into branches so he could get through.

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 275

Tom tamer of the lion

once we were all inside Lady Alicia, warned us not to fight Lord Lycan, and that he need to be put to rest it was her job. So we all stood down. Master Cu then told me to come and fetch you because he thought this was a job for the high council not just one mage, so I did, and now we are here

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 276

Lash LeRue


Thats the gist of it.

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 277

Tom tamer of the lion

there is probley more to it, but thats the important bits

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 278

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Alicia what do you have to say for yourself?

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 279

Apollyon - Grammar Fascist

<smiley - ermI believe Alicia is still busy with Lycan's smiley - ghost>

Shaylar, while you're here I should probably mention what Tom, Cú, and I encountered on the way to Kalsho. We were ambushed by a large group of orcs and had to run back.

I took a dead uruk-hai with me and managed to extract some details from his corpse. It seems they have beseiged Kalsho, and believe that the people are close to surrendering in exchange for food.

*Keeps his eyes on Alicia and Lycan.*

Lycan Wolsey 's Room/training area

Post 280

Tom tamer of the lion

thats why we went to see lord Lycan, because he set us the mission to kalso

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