A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Guild Hall

Dining Hall

Post 1561


*walks into the dining hall and looks around, surprised at the amount of people present*

does anybody know why we have been summoned?

Dining Hall

Post 1562


*looks over.*

Lady Shaylar seems to think there's trouble brewing.

Dining Hall

Post 1563

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

*enters the dining hall*

Ah goodmorning everyone

*an orange tabby cat jumps onto the table and sits down defying anyone to tell it to do something else*

Dining Hall

Post 1564


*grins at the cat.*

Dining Hall

Post 1565


Lady do you know anything about what's going on?

Dining Hall

Post 1566

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Yes I guess you could say that

Lady Elandra the High Warrior Is currently in charge of the guild
There was an attack on Kalsho forest by....
a shadow riding on a dead dragon

now the dragon was mine but he'd been stone for.... a long time
and there was a deamon sleeping inside it
and the abbot from the monestry killed the deamon and the dragon
and now the shadow is on the loose
probably trying to kill Lord Lycan Wolsey who quite frankly would be better dead
and theres a whole lot of trouble probably on the way

anything else?

Dining Hall

Post 1567

Feuille v. 2

Dining Hall

Post 1568

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Dining Hall

Post 1569

Feuille v. 2

Dining Hall

Post 1570

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Dining Hall

Post 1571

Feuille v. 2

Dining Hall

Post 1572

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Dining Hall

Post 1573

Feuille v. 2

Dining Hall

Post 1574

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

Dining Hall

Post 1575

Feuille v. 2

Dining Hall

Post 1576

UnfadingAscendant - Above the ashes

*stands by the door, not sure what is going on*

Dining Hall

Post 1577

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)


Ah good most of you are here, Well Lady Elandra, Lord Lycan and Lady Alicia have returned to us now, Elandra has taken control of Imardin and has requested that we all train in our various crafts as we will need them for an upcoming battle with a shadow, I have no idea what she's on about but she says we must prepare so prepare we will, now if you can tell me what class of magician you are we will forrmulate some training

Dining Hall

Post 1578

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

ah good to see you
lady Shylar..
a lot has happened here

but if you will excuse me a moment I have to go talk to my cousin...
er... shes the nanny
and makesure she has some defensive spels learnt...

I shall be back along soon to see if we have any budding young necromancers or anything else i can work with

*leaves to her chambers*

Dining Hall

Post 1579

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

Are there any scholars here ranked adept or above? I'm just a novice and I could really use some training.

Dining Hall

Post 1580

Feuille v. 2

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