A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

Front Gate

Post 1001

Bulletproof Cupid~

[Ezekiel] (to ecg) ~~Good idea~~

Front Gate

Post 1002


[Ecg]: "I have a few kinsmen, who most likely reside... in Hell itself."

*Tries not to sound so grim about it as the name of the realm may indicate.*

Front Gate

Post 1003


I'm fine, thanks. However I have absolutely no idea where I should be or what I should be doing, so at the moment I'm just working on the assumption that if an orc attacks me, I attack it back...

Front Gate

Post 1004

Bulletproof Cupid~

*Ezekiel smirks, nods at Ecg then turns to Alanna*
[Ezekiel] I believe you are working on a similar basis to the rest of us at the moment, fear not *he smiles* << shock horror! >>

Front Gate

Post 1005


[Ecg]: "Poor Lady Shaylar... I hope Ezekiel's sister doesn't aggravate her conditions. There is just something,- I cannot quite place it... about that... arrogant girl,- I... reminded me of my..."
*Almost says, "mother" then stops himself*

"Yes, one day, I hope to pass her tests, so as to get to be something higher somewhat... than an apprentice."

*He shrugs, but the look he gives to Alanna and Ezekiel is a kind eyed one*

Front Gate

Post 1006


[Ecg]: "That is a nice katana, by the way. If you fight with weapons that are besides or other than slings and arrows,- then I believe we are both ... in group one."

Front Gate

Post 1007


I'm glad you like it, Ecg. It has a lot of sentimental value.

Front Gate

Post 1008

Bulletproof Cupid~

<< You are lucky smiley - winkeye group one are here I believe, waiting to move out to Kalsho road?*

*Ezekiel glances at the weapon thoughtfully*
[Ezekiel] Family heirloom?

Front Gate

Post 1009


[Ecg]: *Hopes that he will remember a few things from the design of it, for later/the next time he gets to use a forge again*

Front Gate

Post 1010


It belonged to my... instructor. Forgive me, but this is something I do not particularly wish to talk about. It is enough to know that this sword is special to me, even although I have not had it long.

Front Gate

Post 1011

Bulletproof Cupid~

*Ezekiel nods and glances towards the guild seeming slightly adgitated*

Front Gate

Post 1012


[Ecg Unagi]: *Realizing that this seems to be a sore subject for her... he decides not to ask her if the instructor was a demon or part one, at this time.*

"Ah well,- at least I now feel again as though I can count myself as around friends."

Front Gate

Post 1013


[Ecg]: (To Ezekiel) : "So your sister's a healer? ... how can one with such hurtful demeanor..."
*Does not quite mean that the way it sounds*

"Say, what's the matter?"

Front Gate

Post 1014


*smiles at Ecg, thankful for the conversation change*

Front Gate

Post 1015


[Ecg]: "The world is full of an interesting array of little ironies."

Front Gate

Post 1016


*Alanna glances towards Ezek*

Do you see something?

Front Gate

Post 1017

Bulletproof Cupid~

*he glances around then back towards the guild*

[Ezekiel] I can sense something going on around my sister.

*He seems to be waiting for some cue which isnt coming*

Front Gate

Post 1018


*Alanna frowns and looks across towards the Guild, even although she isn't really expecting to see anything*

Front Gate

Post 1019

Bulletproof Cupid~

*He turns his back on it and paces a little*
[Ezekiel] I will not go and help her unless she seeks me, she should be able to handle herself

Front Gate

Post 1020


[Ecg Unagi]: "Ezekiel,- well we had best hope so... for her sake at least."

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