A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

Front Gate

Post 861


*sighs* I think so.

*nods towards Alyssa.* She just road up from Kalsho, says the enemy's coming this way.

Front Gate

Post 862

Bulletproof Cupid~

*she smiles curiously studying him as he recites the spell and pushes the white curls back from her face so she can dab the blood on her cheek*

[Alyssa] (interrupting) Empath, why would you become a healer? Its such a dull choice of magical study

Front Gate

Post 863

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*ignors her as he deeply concentrates on finsihing the spell*

Front Gate

Post 864

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

*elwyn goes to group 3*

hi smiley - tongueout

*drags salamander away* well it was very delightful meeting, Arc and Ecg; hope an opportunity will come up when we'll talk soon.

Front Gate

Post 865

Bulletproof Cupid~

*Alyssa regards Calel with a deeply bored expression*

[Alyssa] You do take such a very long time
*she lifts a hand and scans its over whats left over her almost healed cuts making them dissapear*
[Alyssa] *she wryly smiles at him* It was more fun to let you try to tend to me, and anyway I dont specialise in it. Now will you answer my question?

Front Gate

Post 866

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*closes his eyes as he finishes the spell*

*barely above a whisper* I have my reasons *He glances at her then turns back and busys himself with the supplies cart once more*

Front Gate

Post 867

Bulletproof Cupid~

*Alyssa follows him persistantly and stands right behind him watching his actions*

[Alyssa] But wouldnt you like to use elemental magic and cause fires and tornados and tsunamis? Or even illusionism, like my brother Ezekiel- hes why I was on my way here *she glances back at him and watches him sitting out of the way glaring* I dont believe he is happy to see me somehow. Will you be helping in the battle? Its going to be such fun-

*she stops wondering if that was perhaps not the best thing to say*

Front Gate

Post 868

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*He sighs, stops what he's doing and turns to her*

Haven't you somewhere you need to be? *grins* I'm sure you have better things to than hand out career advice

Front Gate

Post 869

Bulletproof Cupid~

*she straightens a little and gives him an irritated glare*

[Alyssa] Dont be clever, human. My brother appears has disowned me. He doesnt like me being here. And you're all so boring, but you- you're an empath. That is interesting.

Front Gate

Post 870

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

ahhh interesting, but not all that pleasant

Front Gate

Post 871

Bulletproof Cupid~

*She grins slyly at him*

[Alyssa] But you know what everyone is feeling, wether people putting on a brave face are really frightened, wether people are lying, wether people have ulterior motives *she winks and moves across to the supply cart* You really need all this? You are all so frail

Front Gate

Post 872

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*frowns* It's not that simple *moves her away from the cart touching her in the process and getting another jolt*

*looks away from her and pulls back as if he were burnt* I think you should go to your brother

Front Gate

Post 873


*shivers as the newcomer passes by him and watches her warily*

Front Gate

Post 874

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

*watches the newcomer curiously*

Front Gate

Post 875

Bulletproof Cupid~

[Alyssa] You'll never learn to control that if you become scared of it you realise, to control that you need to learn to cope with it first. If you lose control completely your head will be swimming with the emotions of everyone in Imardin. Then, you will learn the meaning of a headache
*she turns swishing her white hair and glancing at the movements of other people seemingly waiting for something*

Front Gate

Post 876

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail


It's not the power I'm afraid of </>

Front Gate

Post 877

Bulletproof Cupid~

*she walks back to the cart and leans against it watching people watching her, and turns slightly to Calel*

[Alyssa] (quietly) then what is it that you are afraid of?

Front Gate

Post 878

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*leans in closer still*

Just what is it that you are up to? </>

Front Gate

Post 879

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

*Avatar walks over to Elexorien.*

*speaking softly* Is it just me or does something about her make you uneasy?

Front Gate

Post 880

Bulletproof Cupid~

*Alyssa stares fixedly at Avatar continuing to talk to Calel*

[Alyssa] I'm only curious, is that such a crime?

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