A Conversation for Magicians Guild : Imardin

Front Gate

Post 841

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*gently pushes Alyssa to the ground as he touches her he is suddenly filled with her angish and pain and stumbles a little*

Front Gate

Post 842

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Calel, what do you see?

Front Gate

Post 843

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

*noticing his earth spell miss, I ready aother, only to stop it when I see the girl* The orcs. If you want, I will use WInd Speed to get ahead and scout the number of orcs.

Front Gate

Post 844


That sounds like a good idea, it would be useful to know exactly what we're going to have to deal with.

Front Gate

Post 845

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*holds the girls hand*

*erm* I'm not sure it's all *erm* confused

Front Gate

Post 846

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Miss...Miss can you hear me? where are the Drow now?

Front Gate

Post 847

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail


go careful, she's quite badly injured

Front Gate

Post 848

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

*nods, and kicks the spell, and his speed, into high gear, looking like a scared Jedi, trying to kick every ounce of speed out*

Front Gate

Post 849

Bulletproof Cupid~

*Alyssa's eyes snap open and as she notices Calel picking up more than he should. She tries to block him out but seems distracted by the people around her and then suddenly by his proximity to her. She snatches her hand back with sudden renewed strength then winces rememebering her cuts.*

[Alyssa] Dont touch me, boy. *she turns to Shaylar assesing her* I was on my way here to visit someone here, they're already at Kalsho outpost and they're sending half they're troops along the road here- to Imardin. To the guild. *as if losing interest suddenly* Whos got my horse?

Front Gate

Post 850

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*retakes her arm, again gets a sudden jolt of feeling, and tries to concentrate on examing her arm*

I need to look at your wounds

Front Gate

Post 851

Bulletproof Cupid~

[Alyssa]Who do you think you are grabbing me like that! You're a healer arent you? Just heal!

*she looks accusing at Ezekiel*

[Alyssa] Get him off me! Or are you just going to pretend you dont know me?

*Ezekiel looks sheepish and gives Calel a helpless look*

Front Gate

Post 852


*turns to look at the new arrival, a worried look on his face*

Front Gate

Post 853

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail


Keep still, your making things worse!

Front Gate

Post 854

Lash LeRue

*Looks at Tom for a while*

Firstly I'm fine, though I appretiate your worry and secondly about the fighting as a caretaker, if they are standing on something living they are standing on your ground. As you are still an apprentice you should not attempt to summum any magical animals... that could be dangerous. But bringing in natural animals to aid you should be okay, but remember every one will weaken you mentally and pshycally.

*turns away and looks into the distance*

I fear Tom that if you dont know now... you soon will.

*glances over at the injured Alyssa, a pained expression passes his face*

And it will get worse, much, much worse before its finished.

Front Gate

Post 855

Tom tamer of the lion

ok master, i will try my best
*tom stands behinde Cu and trys to hide his fear*

Front Gate

Post 856


*has slipped away quietly to the stables. Now returns leading her horse, Talia.

Watches anxiously as the others tend to the newcomer.*

Front Gate

Post 857

The_Admiral(aka Avatar)

*Avatar restores the flow of time around Alyssa to normal and moves out of the way as the others tend to her. He looks down the road, trying to spot the advancing army.*

Front Gate

Post 858

Bulletproof Cupid~

*Alyssa stops and suddenly stares at Calel. She channels her emotions so that he picks up her irritation and anger, then satisfied hes got the message gets up slowly as the time field about her disperses. She seems to have calmed down and stands right up close infront of Calel. Theres something faintly elven about her features*

[Alyssa] Fine, heal me empath

Front Gate

Post 859


*Halimar walks up to the front gate and wonders what all the commotion is about. He sees Kyara and walks over.*

What's going on? Are we about to leave soon?

Front Gate

Post 860

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*He blinks slowly at her, as the wave of his emotions wash over him*

*slowly he bows his head, muttering a spell under his breath*

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