A Conversation for A Little story I told Queen bluDragon

Seal of Authenticity

Post 1

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

HRH, The Dragon Queen of Damogran, decrees that this is a true tale, told by a genuine Hero of Damogran.

Gather round all, and harken to a tale of drama, bravery and excitement!

The Queen also notes that sometimes trickery is the bravest course of action...*wink, wink*

The Dragon Queen of Damogran
[her seal, who loves her and follows her everywhere]

PS. Fireworks are scheduled sometime soon back at the castle. We know where we can get some.

Seal of Authenticity

Post 2

Dancing Ermine

I humbly thank Her Royal Highness and shall be along to the fireworks presently.

I'm Number 3!

Post 3

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Looks like my streak is over...

I'm Number 3!

Post 4

Dancing Ermine

You've a few more to do as well, I've added a couple more pages smiley - smiley

I'm Number 3!

Post 5

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I've got those, I think...

I'm Number 3!

Post 6

Dancing Ermine

Still one short. smiley - smiley

I'm Number 3!

Post 7

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

There was at least one where I couldn't think of anything relevant to write, and plenty of other people had already commented...


I'm Number 3!

Post 8

Dancing Ermine

That was the one I was thinking of.

I'm Number 3!

Post 9

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

OK you two!

This thread keeps popping up in my listing, an' I started it, an' I have no idea what you are talking about...

no fair...


[no crown, no seal, just an informal visit]

I'm Number 3!

Post 10

Dancing Ermine

Sir Irving was the first person to post forum entries on most of my guide entries. He was trying to find all the one's I've written recently last night adn keep doing it smiley - smiley

You can join in too but most of them already have several replies.

I'm Number 3!

Post 11

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

Well, she's got the #1 spot on this article!

I'm Number 3!

Post 12

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

*queen blu looks askance [whatever that means] at the rampant enthusiasm oozing from the above postings*

First person to post forum entries?
*pant, pant*
Thank you for the invite, but we can barely keep up with the goings on in Damogran!
It sounds like great fun, tho!
smiley - smiley
So go for it, guys. I'll just ignore the way this page keeps popping up in my forum list. The Queen just didn't want to miss any 'portant messages for the Court.

Here, have some chock'lit fishies, or a nice big tankard of ale [or both if you have a strong stomach] to help sustain you on your quest.

BTW, were either of you around when Teaserman http://www.h2g2.com/U103224 was trying to 'buzz' every forum on h2g2? I think he is lying exhausted in a rest home somewhere now... *tee hee*
Have fun!
smiley - winkeye

PS I just checked Teaserman's site and it looks like he is 'at it' again after an absence of some weeks.

I'm Number 3!

Post 13

Dancing Ermine

I've seen him do it occasionally, though he's managed to miss most of my forums so far

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