A Little story I told Queen bluDragon

1 Conversation

I wrote the following story as a request in one of the forums, I was so happy with it I decided it should be repeated in a proper guide entry.

You can visit her palace at The Queen of Damogran

*Wanders up to royal throne and takes a seat next to the Queen.
Strokes Seal absent-mindedly whilst feeding it crumbs*

What story could I tell Your Highness.


I think I may just have one.

In my travels up and down and round about and all over the
place during which I was atempting to seek great fortune and
become successful and famous I did many deeds for which I
was rewarded handsomly. But these were inadequate to all my
needs and in many cases I was forced to trade for goods in
order to simply survive. Often the deals would be grossly unfair
to me, reflecting the desperation I felt in just getting simple
things such as food. In some cases I would be given other item
than those requested in trading as when I met a foreign
gentleman before climbing the mountains in the east of your
country. This gentleman felt aggrieved at only offering me food
in exchange for the beauteous gems that I gave him so insisted I
take several devices of his which would come in useful later.

The later in question was on the occasion that travelling this
wondrous country of yours on my way to the court I found a little
village in sore need of help. There being no great lords in the
vicinity of this poor mountain hamlet it was being pillaged by a
band of bloodthirsty bandits whom had taken the surrounding
area and were pilfering form the populace. The situation was
becoming unbearable for these poor subjects of yours as there
were few chances for them to trade their meagre produce for
essentials such as bread and vegetables, the poor farmland
being unsuitable for raising anything but sheep.

Now as it happened I passed through this village shortly after a
raiding party had been into town. Understandably they were
hardly keen to offer me hospitality what with most of their food
and possessions having recently been spirited away by the
aforementioned evil band. But as I was hungry and offered no
threat to them they offered me shelter though requested that I be
gone before midday the folloing day as they feared this band
would travel through again and punish them.

Obviously I asked what the locals had done to try to oppose the
bandits but they regaled me with tales of such butchery and
savagery that I became surprised that they had lived this long at
all. As I went to bed on a poor straw pallet that evening I
resolved to do something about the cruel band of robbers that I
had heard so much about.

The following morning at daybreak I sneaked out of the village in
the direction that the villagers had indicated was the thieves
abode. Since said thieves often demanded that tribute be
brought directly to them I pretended to be bringing them a gift if
they would be kind enough to let me pass through with no
trouble. This ruse allowed me to gain access to the heart of their
illegal fiefdom to spy out the force I was opposing. Surprisingly
the force was quite small. The thieves had managed to fool a
large number of people into thinking there were far more of
them. Those I could see were as ruthless individuals as you
would ever meet, blooded and scarred by many a scrap but
there were few of them. The constant ambushes and raids had
taken their toll on the force that had initiated the crime spree and
the leader was wary of new recruits to the extent that no-one had
been admittd to this nefarious fellowship since they had seized
control of the land.

So I stood surrounded by perhaps fourteen battle hardened
thieves facing their leader hoping desperately that they would let
me go on with my journey. To this end, I claimed that I was on a
mission for my father to bring back a family heirloom, hoping
that in their greed they would allow me to attempt to finish my
quest and try to capture me later. This seemed to work as their
leader a stout man, lacking any facial scars but with a
temperament so ugly that it truly made up for it, agreed to my
request and demanded something in return for my freedom. It
was at this stage that I produced my gift to him and left as
gracefully as one can when fifteen armed men are looking
greedily at your departing back. As soon as I was beyond visual
range I made a run for it . My original plan had fallen through but
surprisingly the circumstances had provided a much better

You see Your Highness, the foreign gentleman had given me a
number of items known as fireworks which are very dangerous
at close range but look pretty at a distance. I had practiced
using them and had given one to the leader of the gang. I ran
and hid just in case they followed me but after I heard the
characteristic bang I returned rapidly to the scene.

As expected the leader, eager to open his latest present, had
set off this explosive firework in his own hands. Many of his
henchmen were also surrounding him and whilst there was
hardly enough damage done to kill them, they were all shocked
and pretty much the worse for wear. It was easy for me to rush in
and tie them up in nice neat little bundles, remove all sharp
objects from in (a consequence of the firework) and upon their
bodies and lock them all up in cell they had constucted for the
storage of hostages.

Of course, now that I had free run of the thieves hideout I took
some booty... ahem... I mean just reward, before alerting the
villagers to the fact that their tormentors were gone. Now I had
intended to bring these thieves to the Royal Court to face proper
justice but I am afraio the villagers got there first. I refused them
a lynching... but they brought out the rope anyway, it appeared I
was simply putting ideas into their heads, but no. There was no
more killing in that village, they had had enough.... but there was
a rather deep chasm nearby. So if you want these thieves to be
brought to justice you will need a few people to lift them out.

I admit that my dealings in this matter were slightly underhand
and that I was playing on the ignorance of those I defeated but it
was fifteen to one and I'm no trained knight like Sir SPINY. I
used methods that I felt got a just result ends justifying to some
extent means and all that but the most important thing is that I
am here to tell you the tale (and considerably richer than when I

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