The CAC Continuum

0 Conversations

~jwf~ and his two sense Issue

I torte I saw a puddin'! It...

Fiction smiley - loveWeird Science smiley - disco First/Personals smiley - emptyKitchen Syncronicitiessmiley - magicSatire

This week
CAC-C features the work of two relatively new researchers
Flameofgold and gecko.
One touches on the sense of beauty and the other
tries to make sense of SSO and other hootoo voodoo.
smiley - magic

These are the Dutch Masters?

The Fine Art of Appreciating Fine Art

has written an appreciation of her favourite artist in a way that
will totally immerse you in his colourful canvas.
Jack Vettriano - Blonde in a Dream

I've Stopped, alright? I've stopped.

And further to my last issue on h2g2 history and useful h2g2 information

has been having a heck of a time getting oriented around here.
And yet enthusiasm and innocence are the strengths of the truly happy.
Share some of the joy that rises above frustration in:

Both of this week's features were entries submitted to our homepage
If you too would like to have us criticise and belittle your creative efforts please click on the submissions button there and post a link (the A-number) to your entry.


These two sensibilities were joined at the hip by

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