A tell-tale story

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A tell-tale story about the Earthy Humans and the Alien.

“Here is something, some for you
Something else, but something new
Come to see at Kan-guru
In her pouch what we do”

“Jack and Jello got together
Having fun like never ever,
Wot so funny let me know
Cut and action: let us go!”

Jack is sitting in a favored restaurant called “Kan-Guru Pouch” While a big-busted waitress waiting at his table; Jello is coming by looking somewhat distressed.

“Hello there Jello! Good to see you here! Welcome back to your favored spot!”

Jello flashes a kind smile in response. “Yeah! It is wonderful to come back here into “Kan-Guru’s Pouch” to find my spot, where I used to be.“
She slides into a chair opposite Jack.

“Jack you would not believe what I went through while I was lost.
Strange part to it that I was not aware about the loss of my home and Identity for a while! I was busy with my Fall Art Exhibition and did not bother much to see my Place on the Internet.”

Jack blinked meaningfully at the departing waitress, who smiled back.
“One day” continued Jello, “ I discovered that my Space, the entrance to my Home of Communication was locked up right in front of me!”

“ I myself was not up to date about the changes were made in our Forums!”replied Jack. “ There were rumors at the end of the summer about drastic changes to come, but I did not pay much attention.”

“We don’t know wot we got until we loose it! “ said Jello, “I felt to be out in the cold, shivering alone in the dark when a good man came to my rescue: with a backdoor key and let me in for communication with my friends. But My Space, my home was stubbornly locked! I passed it every day, my empty, lonely Home, with my number on it, which started with “lucky”21 and was no way to get in.”

At this point Jello was overwhelmed with the traumatic memories; big milkshakes were ordered to ease the pain.

“The backdoor communication was not satisfactory when you know that you are a legitimate member in a community, have a house with number on it and have some good deeds left behind, which was usually neglected by authorities!” Jello said and drew on her milkshake straw.

“Yeah about THE WATER article contribution! And MORE! At the very beginning of my carrier! (Silly newbie! Heh?)”

Jello had to stop to sip the milkshake and gather some strength to tell about the climax of the story. Jack as usual was sympathetic. This was encouragement for the exhausted Jello.

She took a deep breath to continue:

“I went to the authorities to claim my Space. These are the Earthy Humans (for the love of them): In connection with their earthy work: I never understood why people do things, when they don’t know how to do it!”
“It was crystal clear that I am an OLD Member” continued Jello, “ but they made a NEWBIE out of me,- with all the trimmings to greet me, to teach me like an idiot and give me a NEW number for ID.”

Jello was perspiring from head to toe.
Jack listened intently, his ponderous eyebrows deeply furrowed, properly shocked.

Jello continued: “That was not enough! To my complaint the Earthy Humans said: “ you are right!” That is not your number and gave me an other—even higher number!”
Even Peadboy came to greet me:” What a wonderful NEWBIE!” He said.

“After this, I think just fainted, because I don’t remember every details. I was wondering in Collective Communication, I was mumbling incoherent words to get me out of here! In my semi consciousness my Instinct kicked in since I gave up on any earthy human logic going through a nightmare.”
“I reached out and touched someone! An angel heard my desperate voice as I laid by now in coma but sweet dreams lingered in my sleeping brain cells.”
“I saw an angel coming from Liverpool, (in my dream) from where famous people come! And he said with real authority in his voice:”

“Drop your problem here and now! Follow me and do as I say!”

Jack strocked his chin and leaned closer.

“ I must have acted on his command,” continued Jello “ because in no
time I woke up in front of my house with wide open door
I saw my lucky number starting with magic 21.”

Jello stopped to catch her breath, while the milkshake disappeared
through the straw to cool off the heated unpleasant memories
And the end of her story was that the angel said to her:

“ I have to help others now!” And flipped his wings flying up into the air.

“I was wondering” Jello mused “
“Just how can a most simple thing like SSO become to such mess!”
Because the angel went to help OTHERS, it was clear that I was not alone the alien to be messed up and left out in the cold.”

A thought crossed Jacks brain, that the Ordinary people in the membership proudly displayed a sign:

I survived the single sign on

But Jello had to pay the price being an alien.

N.B. The lock out for Jello lasted about 3 months.

So we reached the status quo,
From where we can further go,
Riding on the Milky Way
Where Holy Cows guarding they.

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