A Conversation for Roman Construction Methods - The Road

Peer Review : A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 1


Entry: Roman Construction Methods - A23968876
Author: Bob Stafford. ACE smiley - smiley ; - Keeper of The Treacle Shadow - Support the Beeblecasters @ A29805636 - U3151547

Please comment and advise

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 2

Fizzymouse- no place like home

Hiya Bob,

I read this last night without my glasses (I'd left them upstairs and was too lazy to get them). Dang but those Romans were clever weren't they?

It was very interesting, but I had to come back tonight to check out the last heading about Mulit Arched Bridges .... I thought it was my eyes last night - but is wasn't .... should it be Multi or is it a word I don't know?

smiley - mouse

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 3


Well spotted fizymouse all cured smiley - ok

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 4


Any more comments please smiley - ok

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 5

Trout Montague

I prefer "military engineers" to "army engineers", throughout.

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 6

Trout Montague

The title should include "- Roads and Bridges".

ports and harbours

might be described in subsequent entries?

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 7

Phoenician Trader

Given the Arches entry, some of the work on arches and concrete could be done by a hyperlink - but I don't know how that is done when two entries are in peer review together! I think you hope both are picked at the same time and the sub coordinates the link.

smiley - lighthouse

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 8


I hope so smiley - smiley

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 9


What's the status on this now Bob?

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 10

Malabarista - now with added pony

A whole Entry on Roman construction methods and no mention of Vitruvius?

He wasn't a terribly good architect/engineer, mind... His "De architectura libre dicem" (Ten Books of Architecture) are just the only Roman textbook on building to have survived to the present day. It details construction of public buildings, bridges, military fortifications...

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 11


Hi h5ringer

Awating comments and ideas smiley - smiley

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 12


I shall take a look at that Mal thanks for the idea smiley - smiley

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 13

Malabarista - now with added pony

I have the book, but it's 300km away at the moment smiley - laugh

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 14


Thanks Msmiley - smileyal will the adddition be enough.

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 15

Malabarista - now with added pony

Known simply as Vitruvius was born around 80–70BC, and died around 15BC. - that's a sentence fraqment. Maybe change it to something like "This builder, who was known simply as Vitruvius..." and spell Caesar right smiley - winkeye

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 16


Hi Mal is that any better smiley - smiley

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 17

Malabarista - now with added pony

Wouldn't a "contemporary Roman" work be one that's written in Italy now? smiley - erm

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 18


Hows this

This is the Roman work of the time known to have survived.

that will save time smiley - smiley

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 19

Gnomon - time to move on

This entry seems to contain a lot of useful information, Bob, but we already have an entry in the guide on the construction of Roman Roads, Bridges and Arches: the excellent A1283122 by Mandy. I don't think we'll be able to accept a duplicate entry on the subject.

A23968876 - Roman Construction Methods

Post 20


Yes it is an ecellent but it lacks any construction detail smiley - smiley

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