A Conversation for Talking Point: Children's Television

Canadian Childrens Shows from the 70s

Post 1


I lived in western New York and we got CBC from Toronto. I remember these two animated shows. One was the about Wizard of Oz and the other was about Pinocchio. Does anyone else remember them? I still have the music from one or the other stuck in my head on a regular basis. I think there were others that were shown as part of the same show but I don't remember what they were.

Canadian Childrens Shows from the 70s

Post 2


No-one remembers these?

Canadian Childrens Shows from the 70s

Post 3


They haunt me.

Canadian Childrens Shows from the 70s

Post 4


smiley - erm Can you hum the tune?

I remember The Friendly Giant and Chez Hélène, though those might even be from the sixties . . .


Canadian Childrens Shows from the 70s

Post 5


I watched The Friendly Giant also according to my mom but I don't remember that one.

I could hum the tunes to the other ones but I'm afraid my memory of tunes wouldn't be accurate. I do remember a few of the words.

The end of Pinocchio song went:
"...he can never, never, never, never
never, never, never, never
never can he ever tell a lie."

I remember more of The Wizard of Oz song:
"They're three sat soes (I just now realized they were actually saying 'sad souls') oh-me-oh-my
No brains, no heart, he's much to shy
But never mind you three
Here's the Wizard as you can see
He'll fix that one-two-three
In that funny land called the World of Oz

Oh the World of Oz is a funny funny place
Where everyone has a funny funny face
All the streets are made with gold and
and no-one ever gets old and
( a line I don't remember )
In that funny land called the World of Oz.

Unbelievable that I can remember so much of that. smiley - bigeyes

Canadian Childrens Shows from the 70s

Post 6


I found the song for the World of Oz http://www.zxcproductions.com/web/wizardoz.wav

I looked it up and found this page by someone named Dave who lived in Ontario and watched all the same things I watched in western New York. I had exactly the same childhood except I was not addicted to Quik. It was erie reading his page.

Canadian Childrens Shows from the 70s

Post 7


Oh my god! I *do* remember both those programmes now! And reading Dave's page was like going back in time. Jim Perry and Uncle Bob!

Also remembered how much I used to like Quik when I was a kid.

smiley - ok


Canadian Childrens Shows from the 70s

Post 8


I learned from another site that the Wizard of Oz show anyways, was actually an american production from the early sixtys which got more play on Canadian TV in the 70s when I was watching it. Did you listen to the song? I wasn't as obsessed with Quik but I did watch Rocketship 7. That part of his site was really a trip back to chicken pox and watching our little black and white tv.

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