A Conversation for Talking Point: Children's Television

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 1

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

The Flumps and the Moomins!!!!!

My god - they really do bring back memories.

Chorlton and the Wheelies!!! That's another one! "hello little old lady"!!

smiley - rofl

*gathers self back together in a more lady like manor*

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 2


My earliest memory is Rag, Tag & Bobtail, Tails of the Riverbank with voices by Jonny Morris. Woodentops, Andy Pandy. You never questioned why the Woodentops never wore any shirts etc on their top halfs. Would seem bizarre to kids of today, they'd notice. Mmmm... what does that say about our mentality at that age? smiley - weird

How can a hamster, rat and guinea pig drive cars and boats? All accetped as a child. Oh the innocence...........

Time for a smiley - coffee

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 3

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

Unfortunately.....that seems to be the trend nowadays......

It's so sad that children aren't allowed to be innocent any more. It never harmed me as a child....I can even remember running round on a beach in Devon at the age of 4 with no clothes on! Parents don't do that any more.

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

And you looked soooooooooooo cute darling smiley - smiley *wipes tear from eye*

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 5

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

Lots of kids do still run around naked. My grandson stripped off on the bous the other day!

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*gulp* I can't speak to you...I might be accused of Jury Tampering!!smiley - winkeye

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 7

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

Did the accused remember the biggest Spotty dog you ever did see?

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yes!!! The Woodentops.................and who went "bobop ickle wee"

smiley - biggrin

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 9

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

Bill... or was it Ben, which one of those two flowerpot men?

I do remember that I thought Andy Pandy was a bit of a wazzock even as a toddler. Teddy and Lubiloo were Ok but AP was a total waste of space.

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - musicalnote Time to go home. Time to go home. Andy is waving goodbye

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 11

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

Oh the Flumps, indeed. If you ask, nobody can ever remember the names of the three child Flumps though.

I also liked Mysterious Cities of Gold
(Children of the sun, see our time has just begun...)

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 12

The Traveller

Hello it,s the Traveller here.I think one of the flumps(a girl) was called Posie and one of the other children(male) was called Pootle as for the third I have no idea.Hope this helps.
My favourite childrens tv programme was Rhoobarb and Custard.

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 13

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

What about the foreign imports from long ago. The Singing Ringing Tree. Or the french ones with horses and dogs and stuff.
It was the same set of dubbers who did everything so you grew up thingking that every french person had the same voice and couldn't make their lips work at the same time as they were speaking.

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 14

AEndr, The Mad Hatter

ah well *I* know them, but you've just emphasised my point - those who do remember them never remember all three of their names alone.

Perkin was the older boy, with Posie in the middle and Pootle as the youngest.

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 15

Vicki Virago - Proud Mother

What about Jamie and the smiley - magic Torch!!! smiley - laugh

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 16


Jamie & the Magic Torch as been on cable/satelitte TV recently-ish.

Get yer thinking caps on. Does any one remember "The Wotsit of Whizzbang" Short lived series with pictures (I think) & no animation. This was a story about aliens. My memory is somewhat hazy on this. Is si No ho? Do you'll remember that? smiley - star

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 17

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Vicki....big sister says Potty Time!! And also Vicki the Viking!

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 18

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

Noggin the Nog. Fabulous narrators voice in it. You felt you could toast bread on it.

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 19


Same vein - Ivor the Engine. Who's old enough to remember Pogles Wood? Oliver Postage was the narrator for Ivor the Engine and Noggin the Nog. visit www.smallfilms.co.uk smiley - biggrin

oh, the memories!!!!

Post 20

Vestboy II not playing the Telegram Game at U726319

Great stuff. Pogles wood was a bit more modern thatn Noggin wasn't it?

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